Covers for Levels

Mjmacka Posts: 55
So, I really like the way we can now champion our heroes but there are quite a few characters that I don't plan to spend ISO on that I would like to level anyways. Why can't I spend extra covers to level characters. For example, I have a LVL 60 2* Aries. I should be able to use an extra Aries cover to level him from 60 to 61 prior to championing because... let's face it, there are better 3/4*'s to spend your ISO on. The only requirement for this is that you have already used 13 covers on that character. I could see this being useful for Electra, IW, 3* Iron Man, 4* Cho Hulk, Ant-Man, and many other (sometimes) useful but not top tier characters.

This would be useful for leveling certain characters that otherwise would not be leveled. This would also help transitional players move from level 1->2 and 2->3. This would also create a use for extra covers that otherwise are sold for very minimal ISO and help people develop their rosters.

Characters that would most benefit from this are non-championed 2*'s, not so popular 3*'s and 4*'s. This would also help to keep developing the rosters of people who stop investing ISO into 4*'s above LVL 220. This may also have the side benefit of balancing rosters out (somewhat) because the higher a level character, the more ISO you save by spending a cover to level instead of just ISO.


  • DrNitroman
    DrNitroman Posts: 966 Critical Contributor
    Imo, a very reasonable suggestion that supports the view of the devs about the promotion of a more diversified roster

    Give to low tier characters a chance to be leveled! icon_e_smile.gif
  • Crowl
    Crowl Posts: 1,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    It is also a good idea for characters you have simply been unlucky with when it comes to getting covers, rather than penalising the person who has had loads of a particular colour cover so hasn't been able to max that character, let them at least get a full level up out of it rather than 10-20% of one.