carnage black power

jredd Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
basically i just bury this dunce and never use him except... when he's an essential. like now.

his black is so incredibly annoying, especially against goon nodes where it's going off 2-3 times per turn.

maybe change the power to go off only when one of the countdown tiles goes off, or when carnage takes damage.


  • Cartoon Face
    Completely disagree, i cant get enough of that black power. Those numbers do some serious damage when stacked, even more so with strike tiles. Yes, he kills your team but he also destroys goons very fast.
  • Failbot
    Failbot Posts: 27 Just Dropped In
    Pair him up with shield generators or true healers. It takes a lot of the sting out. He's meant for really high damage because of the downside, but they also have mechanisms to help mitigate that.

    I enjoy him quite a bit