Best 1* Team-Up?

DAC169 Posts: 122 Tile Toppler
edited January 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
So I've got a Silver Surfer blue cover sitting in my queue, waiting to see if I can reach the 1,000 HP needed for a new roster slot before it expires in 10 days or if I'll need to remove one of the 1* characters I keep just for sending team-ups. Trying to decide which one I'd get rid of first I remembered the one Alliance I was in that wanted everyone to have an extra MBW at 5 blue and Jugg at 5 green just to send for team-ups, which is the whole reason I started keeping extra 1*s. So I got wondering, does everyone else agree those are the best 1* team-ups?

Here's my list of best 1* team-ups. (I threw the last two in because it's the same kind of skill)
  • Modern Black Widow - 5 blue - 9 AP - stuns target for 5 turns, others 1 turn - who doesn't love stunning someone for 5 turns? and bonus! other enemies are stunned a turn too, so you basically get a free turn!
  • Juggernaut - 5 green - 6 AP - randomly destroys 16 tiles - that's a full fourth of the board! great if the enemy has a bunch of special tiles out or if the only move you can make will either give the enemy a match 4/5 or let them get the AP needed for a very damaging/annoying skill
  • Storm - 5 green - 10 AP - randomly destroys 14 tiles & generates AP - nearly as many tiles as Juggernaut's green, but nearly twice the cost, though you do gain AP for each tile destroyed to balance that out. best uses are same as Juggernaut's green or if you're 1 AP away in a color to use a much needed skill
  • Hawkeye - 5 red - 7 AP - destroys selected line - great for when there's a bunch of enemy special tiles at the bottom you can't match or when there's a really annoying enemy special tile you want rid of
  • Hawkeye - 5 pink - 8 AP - turns selected basic or protect tile into a crit tile - most people forget that it can replace protect tiles too. great if there's a spot that you can place it to make another crit tile or to remove a protect tile that you can't do anything else about
  • Venom - 4 pink - 4 AP - stuns target for 1 turn - cheapest 1* ability. most useful to delay a turn so you can get out protect tiles or kill the target before they fire off a very damaging skill
  • Venom - 5 pink - 7 AP - stuns enemy team for 1 turn - basically you get a free turn
and the great thing about all of these is that character level doesn't matter! they could be level 1 or buffed to level 395 & it would still have the same effect, so no need to waste ISO leveling them just for sending team-ups!

personally, I'd go with either MBW's blue or Jugg's green as best
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  • M C K
    M C K Posts: 96 Match Maker
    Agreed, MBW Blue is relatively cheap and very versatile. Venom's stun is only 2AP cheaper and only stuns 1 turn per.

    Personally, I ditched Venom when I had to jettison a 1*.
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    I was thinking today, nothing wrong with getting 2 random crit tiles for 8 tutile.png AP. Best part? You only need a single purple cover and nothing else. No ISO, no multiple cover levels.

    A 1 purple cover, level 1 1* Spider will drop the same quality crit tiles as a 5 purple cover, level 50 1* Spider. The only difference is if you happen to have three web tiles on the board already or if you can use web tiles.

    This gift can deal a ton of damage and lead to big AP generation when gifted to someone who plays with a lot of 5*s. Obviously, you aren't going to get the same value out of a couple of crit tiles from a 2 or 3 star line-up. But my 9 cover surfer can deal a lot of damage if I wait for the right board to come up for only 8 AP. Plus, you generally get a couple of match 3s and maybe a match 3 and a match 4, which turns useless tutile.png into useful random rainbow AP.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think mbw is the strongest, but I find myself using jugs much more often. part of that is nobody else in my alliance uses jugs - I'm literally the only one. and...I've started going boost-free as much as possible, so a cheap board shake is used quite often. so I don't mind asking literally nearly every day for jugs. I also find myself with 6ap in need of board shake much more often than I find myself with 9ap in desperate need of a long stun. however, when you need it (mbw blue), and have it, it is a total life-saver.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Spidey purple all the way, especially when fielding 5*s
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    The answer is obviously MBW, but I'll be damned if Take Aim isn't the most lethal thing ever in the AI's hands. The number of times it's used that to cascade me to hell is mind boggling.