Your top beneficiaries of the repec ability...

Daredevil217 Posts: 4,039 Chairperson of the Boards
edited January 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
So championing is great. One of the things I'm digging is the ability to respec champs based on teammates or match ups. So that said who are the characters that you find yourself respecing often? It doesn't have to be the top 5 most powerful characters with alternate builds, but those whose utility greatly increases as a champion.

I'm 2-3* only player so here's mine:

1) Daredevil - He has a great niche as a third guy / color filler for a lot of my teams. I like giving him 3 Red, 5 Purple with Patch and then switching to 5 Red, 3 Purple depending on other match-ups.

2) Gamora - If you're tanking you can up her black, otherwise up her Green. Like the utility she brings.

3) Human Torch - Great red user. The arguments on Red vs. Green are over now that you just put 5 in whatever color isn't covered.

4) Grocket - I love climbing with them and using them as a damage sponge with 5 in Green/Blue, then switching to 5 in Yellow after a couple matches for the super heal.

Those are the ones I have used, here's the ones I may in the future:

Doom/Cyclops: Up Yellow/Blue to 5 and use them as batteries when better Red/Black people are boosted.

Wolverine: Up his Red to 5 and use him as a tank after Loki/DD die.

Luke Cage: Everyone says there is no bad build for Luke. I like going all damage (5 in Yellow/Black) but since people insist he's great at every build I may play around.

Deadpool/Kamala: Again, I favor offense to defense but might play around with Luke at 5 Red, Pool at 5 Black, and Kamala at 5 Yellow, lol. Luke and Pool have some quick hitting abilities to keep the burst coming.

So who have you respeced/played around with?


  • Huatimus
    Huatimus Posts: 115
    After the nerf to Hex bolt, I stupidly went to respec my Scarlet Witch to 5/3/5 thinking that it would be the better build and screwed myself over the past couple of weeks/months when I found that I never used her Purple and only ever used her Green in winfinite anyway.
    Championed SW first to get the free respec instead of hunting for another 2 more SW Green.

    Another one would possibly be Luke Cage, which can switch between 5 Red/Black depending on if you have other better black users or he is boosted for the week and doesn't need 5 Red to prevent match damage.(Then again, now with 5*, probably 5 Red all the way for me)
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 4,039 Chairperson of the Boards
    Huatimus wrote:
    After the nerf to Hex bolt, I stupidly went to respec my Scarlet Witch to 5/3/5 thinking that it would be the better build and screwed myself over the past couple of weeks/months when I found that I never used her Purple and only ever used her Green in winfinite anyway.
    Championed SW first to get the free respec instead of hunting for another 2 more SW Green.

    Another one would possibly be Luke Cage, which can switch between 5 Red/Black depending on if you have other better black users or he is boosted for the week and doesn't need 5 Red to prevent match damage.(Then again, now with 5*, probably 5 Red all the way for me)

    I think 5 purple is still her best build.

    - AOE damage
    - A free stun that if you get lucky can take out a key guy 5 turns, and if there's one guy left there's no luck involved.
    - Idiot proof on defense

    - Green is too expensive
    - Green is too random and never seems to nab the tiles I need.

    - My enchilada team is Switch, GSBW and Panther. By the time I'm done with goons, Switch has fueled sniper rifle green and filled her own purple, plus panther has a rage. 2-3 AOE attacks, they never make a match and it's back to goons to refuel.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    In 3* Blade is a 3* I will switch back and forth a little. I like 5 in black, but also see purple is really good.
    QS is another with his PVP coming up I will move him to 5 blue and then 5 in either black or green depending on who I run with him.

    For 4* I first need 3MM then as I get 13 covers of any I can take them up to max. Once hey are maxed for iso you can put them to ideal.
    I can see carnage as a good 4* to respect to 5 black for defense to do more attack damage.
    XF wolvie is also good to respec to 5 yellow to go heal.
    DPXF can also switch around depending on what you are doing. Offense 5 red, 5 purple, defense 5 black.
  • rbdragon
    rbdragon Posts: 479 Mover and Shaker
    In 3* land, Captain Marvel between 5 red/yellow if she is facing a lot of protect tiles and isn't tanking...
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    The correct answer is 4Pool.
  • Chrono_Tata
    Chrono_Tata Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    So far, I've only respec 3-star Thor to 5/5/3 for pairing with Kamala. I let her use the green and use Thor's red for extra damage.
  • I really need to remember that I can respect before a game!
  • GuntherBlobel
    GuntherBlobel Posts: 987 Critical Contributor
    I'm surprised to say: 3* Cyclops. I've always doubted the use of going above Lvl 3 in Mutant Revolutionary, so I would never have tried it out before Champs. But with Respecing, I've been switching him around because, really, how many devastating red or black abilities do you need on your team? And Lvl 5 yellowflag.png is actually pretty awesome.

    Right now, he's spec'd at 3/5/5 to run with Daredevil.
  • mrcheddar
    mrcheddar Posts: 58 Match Maker
    In prodigal sun it's been mystique. That two turn stun at 5 purple has been very useful. I've been running her with 3clops and hood. So she stuns for two turns, floods the board with purple and black from her blue. Hood and shapeshift steal, 3clops blasts. Rinse and repeat.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think the correct answer is everyone. You've got 3 characters, 6 colors, and 9 abilities. There's going to be overlap, which means there are abilities you're never going to want to fire. So that means you can tweak any build away from what is probably the best standalone build, to one that is better compatible with the 3 characters you're about to use.
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    While Hulk was my first respec so I could finally have him at 5 black, I don't see changing him again any time soon. Same goes for 3Cap, I'm never putting yellow up to 5.
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    I respec Dare Devil constantly. His purple is useless if there are no enemy attack tiles, and his red is unnecessary if you have a hero with a more consistent red, so his usage depends on the node.

    Also Blade is good for respec'ing. I used to give him 5 black for ddq survival node, but I'm finding in other nodes, the green/purple combo works best when those are both at 5.

    It's fun to get to respec these characters without the pressure of being stuck until you receive more colors.

    I'll probably try changing up cyc at some point.
  • tanis3303
    tanis3303 Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
    For me so far its:
    Kingpin - 5 Purple vs 5 yellow depending on his partners
    Hood - 5 black vs 5 yellow, depending on how many countdowns are around (Old school sentry bombs baby!)
    4Pool - 5 Purple when paired with Xforce, 5 black otherwise
    Khan - I switch up all her powers often depending on the situation
    Mystique - 5 purple/5 black on her own, 3 purple/5 blue if shes part of a chain combo
    Thora - 5 Yellow if i need her to nuke countdowns
    Groot - Heal vs Damage...which do I need?
    Captain Marvel - Fighting 2* Bullseye? 5 Red it is!
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    tanis3303 wrote:
    Thora - 5 Yellow if i need her to nuke countdowns

    I didn't even know about this! Great to learn! I'll try it out some time in pve.
  • Hendross
    Hendross Posts: 762 Critical Contributor
    Luke Cage shifting between black and red
    XFW shifting between green and yellow
  • donietsche
    donietsche Posts: 279 Mover and Shaker

    Gamora (from 5-3-5 to 5-5-3 or 3-5-5, depending on who she's paired with); BE, Mystique, Doc Ock (he's the character that probably benefits the most from the respec ability in the 3* tier) and Captain Marvel.


    Xdp, Cyke (really versatile) and HB (if paired with a 5* he can go 3-5-5 and become a battery, otherwise he can stick with the traditional 5-5-3). To a lesser extent, Carnage (black vs green) and x23. Probably KP and Thor should be included in the list, but I don't use them on a regular basis, so I'm not entirely sure about it.


    OML above all (red vs yellow, primarily in view of the main abilities: in some cases more healing is a must).
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    simonsez wrote:
    I think the correct answer is everyone. You've got 3 characters, 6 colors, and 9 abilities. There's going to be overlap, which means there are abilities you're never going to want to fire. So that means you can tweak any build away from what is probably the best standalone build, to one that is better compatible with the 3 characters you're about to use.

    Pfftt...I'm never respecing IM40 to x/x/5 or x/x/4
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pfftt...I'm never respecing IM40 to x/x/5 or x/x/4
    Yeah, it's hard to make generalizations when they make some characters that actually get worse when you add more covers...