The 3 big problems devs need to fix ASAP

Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
I think, and I guess we all will agree (well not all, but at least the big majority), that the 3 main issues this game has are:

- 20 iso rewards and lack of iso in general
- Luck is too important right now, affecting specially how 5s are distributed (but LTs in general are a problem)
- Scaling. Teams with leveled chars should ALWAYS have an easier time than soft capped chars, and now it is just the opposite

I guess one of the issues is important just for veteran players but all of them are really important issues that affect the fun we are having in this game.

Now that 4s are more standard, the amount of iso needed to cover them with the current influx of iso we have is CRAZY. And now that champions have arrived this problem has become even more important, the amount of iso for maxing everything is too much (or we need to win more iso). And even if we wanted to buy iso, the amount you get for 100$ is crazy low! Oh and please remove completely the 20 iso reward, it is not fun anymore.

Then the endgame is just controlled by luck. If you are lucky you get a lot of 5s, if you are not lucky you don't, so your ability to compete against other players is just luck dependent. This is new for this game (it didn't happen with 4s, 3s or 2s), it is completely stupid and needs to be fixed. Buyers club is also a sub problem of this point.

And then scaling. Scaling got a little better when community scaling was turned off, but we still have a lot of issues in which basically is better to have soft capped chars than fully leveled ones because PvE is so much easier (and then you need A LOT of iso to max them so why bother if your time in PvE is not going to be easier). Any team of 4s has an easier time soft capped arounf 240-220 in PvE and the difference with 270 level chars is so small that even for PvP it is worth maintaining the chars soft capped. This needs to change. Leveled chars SHOULD ALWAYS have an easier time than underleveled ones in any type of play.

Both the iso and scaling problem applies to 3s too. Probably the only chars that are really worth max leveling and doesn't need that much iso are 2s.

So please upvote this thread so devs see, and they can ignore it but really knowing which are the problems of this game.


  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    To mods:

    Stop moving threads, this is not feedback or suggestions, there is a clear difference between making suggestions and just expressing problems, can you tell me what were my suggestions? (was talking about bad luck or LTs not working as intended moved here? )

    This is also not feedback on any feature of the game.

    So again, don't move a thread just because YOU think this is a better place, which is not.

    A part from that, this thread has now become completely invisible, so it has lost all its usefulness. You can delete it if you want.
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    You wanted the devs to see your thread, so the mods helped you out by moving it to a place the devs look. Upvoting in General Discussion is not going to get developer attention. So which do you want-- fixes in the game or internet fame?
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    You wanted the devs to see your thread, so the mods helped you out by moving it to a place the devs look. Upvoting in General Discussion is not going to get developer attention. So which do you want-- fixes in the game or internet fame?

    Fixes in game of course, but I doubt they look here. They probably look the bugs one, but not this one...
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Polares wrote:
    They probably look the bugs one, but not this one...
    ... and look how fast the "strongest color" bug is being fixed...

    These days, pretty much any post on any forum is funneling into the same garbage can.
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    I just wanted to chime in and say that the "20 ISO" problem should be considered a far separate problem than the ISO shortage problem. I understand that they are very easy to conflate since getting an insignificant amount of ISO and ISO shortage are clearly related.

    But, for me, the 20 ISO problem will not be solved buy making it 100 ISO. There's another part of this that needs a fix that is equally important. The root of 20 ISO problem is people can play the same node dozens of times and not get the CP. This was only a minor issue until there were nodes with CP. They are playing the nodes over and over for CP, and ultimately legendary tokens. While getting 100 ISO each repeat would be better than 20 each repeat, it still wouldn't be what people truly want.

    Personally, I'd actually be far happier if the CP reward nodes gave the CP the first time played and had no other rewards, meaning the each subsequent replay gave only 20 ISO. Getting the CP without insane grinding over and over is my primary concern.