Appreciation for the devs and other points

edited February 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
Appreciation for the devs and other points. It is a great game, despite all the hate, usually I wouldn't post but the forum have gotten way out of hand with too much hate towards the devs. Sorry in advance for the wall of text
First things first, IceIX and gang have done a pretty good job, this is coming from spending a month on holiday with only my idevice to entertain and prob about 300 to 400 dollars on hero points. Only character I have over 100 is patch and only 2 star at max is OBW, so yes I've faced a wall of 230s in the recent events. This is coming from that viewpoint.
In regards to the recent complaints of punisher covers awards:
There are quite a few people ( like me ) who don't have a fully maxed punisher due to not starting during the time it was promoted, hence its a welcome prize in my eyes. This would benefit newer players as well, having more covers are always better, just participate in the newer events like the current one star tourney if your looking for new covers like psylocke.
The people complaining about it getting offered again:
You could not participate or just tank your MMR during the event you know? Do you have to get top 5 just cause you could, then complain about the insane MMR of getting matched with a wall of 141s later? Even if you just for the sake of doing it do fight to top 5, its still extra hero points you get for the event itself + the sale of 3 *** covers. If your not planning on spending money on character slots, this should be a welcome addition since post 30s, they start to get up to 400-450 per slot.
Now that that's out of the way, a few suggestions from the recent simulator event:
It seems a carrot approach works better then the stick, if community scaling was the ideal way to implement difficulty, then the current approach would not work as people won't want to waste health packs due to regen time if they didn't have a chance in hell to win or just barely able to.
Just throwing out ideas here, but why not have a slight reward for time spend in the fight or for dying. At least this would encourage people to slug it out on borderline cases. Maybe have rewards for amount of damage taken, with points going towards items that help like extra boosts or health packs. I'm sure there's people who would abuse the hell out of it, but isn't that the case for the current system as well.
I'm sure it has been mentioned before, another way is to not have persistent damage but have the heroes be fully healed should you win the fight. A way to prevent abuses could be to have it apply only if the hero is alive at the end of the fight, and persistent damage still happens if you should retreat. This should help in the suggestion of small rewards for taking damage. At least if they won, they had the heroes alive restored to full, if they lost, they still get damage points counted towards an extra health pack, etc.
I know many people like the daily reward scheme but hear me on this one, you want people to spend more time in game and hence do more purchases due to time invested right?
How about moving the reward scheme to rounds fought, that way the grinders could go at it, but the people who are busy with real life won't need to track the game everyday just to keep their days going.
In conclusion:
I do like the direction this game is going, they even answered the community's call of more ISO gradually. The recent double sale and the one star daily deal pack mostly, unless you want it to come in such huge amounts, that everyone has a group of 141s, limited by covers only? Then you'll be complaining how a slog it is to get thru any tourney right?
Admittedly more tweaking is needed, but the direction they are going is more on the positive side, as to the winning of people with weak rosters, MMR will eventually catch up to them, then they'll be tanking till they have to whine, or spend the ISO to level up.


  • I want to ask. Are you by any chance from SG or MY?
  • Yes the game has improved since the giant pile of manure that was Thick as Thieves. Not fast enough, and there are still major problems, but it is improving, I'll admit that. But I won't admit the devs are doing everything they can or should to make the game better.
  • Typhon13 wrote:
    Yes the game has improved since the giant pile of manure that was Thick as Thieves. Not fast enough, and there are still major problems, but it is improving, I'll admit that. But I won't admit the devs are doing everything they can or should to make the game better.

    Thick As Theives was originally enjoyable for me initially. The real problem was the Thorverine nerf. Yes, I needed a crutch for all those 230 mobs. Without that crutch, I died in 5 turns. TAT became impossible for me.
  • I think it's gotten a lot better.

    I've not seen any 230s lately and the battles have been very challenging to the point where sometimes I will just fail due to the AI getting lucky board drops.

    I am loving the PvE events that progress the story.

    I am also finding the my grinding is rewarded as I am able to place high despite none of my heroes being maxed (Highest I have is LV83 Classic Storm).
  • Think its the rewards and general lack of communication that is getting the majority upset.
    Personally, I'm more of the dark souls school of thought and welcome the challenge.
    Perhaps a rework of the health pack system would be the most beneficial after the next round of rebalances.
    As always, it's better to keep the users too informed, rather then have them find it out themselves and express outrage.
    This whole thing just reminds me of the recent story I read in the news.
    Have a little heart icon_mrgreen.gif
    A little goodwill goes a long way, keeping the customer base in the loop helps us pierce through the usual demonizing of the faceless corporate greed.
  • mechgouki wrote:
    I want to ask. Are you by any chance from SG or MY?

    You didn't answer my question....
  • was in SG but am bouncing around, like I'm in SG till mid this year then I'll be spending a year in England. Yet I spent all of jan last month in NZ.
    Birthplace still SG tho.
  • Jeremychen wrote:
    was in SG but am bouncing around, like I'm in SG till mid this year then I'll be spending a year in England. Yet I spent all of jan last month in NZ.
    Birthplace still SG tho.

    Lol, I had a guess, judging from your name. You know, the chinese + eng name is usually 90% of the time SG or MY.