ISO-8: Impossible to progress

Posting here as it seems to me that this couldn't be intentional behaviour...

I'm playing the ISO-8 Lab China episode, and have completed every mission such that rewards are now only 1 per win for each.

However, many people are ahead of me in the leaderboard.. Its effectively stopped me from progressing any more while they go on generating points, moving further and further ahead. I've considered the possibility that they are doing the missions many hundreds of times for 1 point per time, but consider that unlikely.

I don't think this is particularly good or fair so wanted to report it. No doubt someone will say this is intentional, but although the scaling is, the blocker can't be...


  • They are passing you via rubberbanding. See the info IceIX posted here: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3798
  • I understand the concept of rubberbanding, but the application has to be flawed if at the end of the day it has been made impossible to generate the same points as another player, which it had in my case.

    Everyones maximum potential points should be the same, or be scaled over time..
  • Every node has an 8-hour reset clock (the time varies by event). So count 8 hours from the very last time you hit a node, and that will be when it will be full points + rubberband again. Use this to your advantage when planning your runs. "impossible to generate the same points as another player" should never happen