PvP improvments

Fabmammouth Posts: 9 Just Dropped In
Hi everyone,

I really love this game and played a lot in PvE (I started from alpha stage). I started to play more in PvP now, and something is really annoying me. My problem is that computer can play a match with our team during we are already playing another match. Generally, I play risky match and it take about 5-8 min to complete it. Most of the time I win the match, however during that time, the computer play TWO games and loose them (computer nearly always loose match that I manage to win, but that s another story and don t really bother me, human can still compete computer icon_e_smile.gif). To simply explain my problem : the more I play and win, the more I loose points (during the last 3h of the event)... That s really frustrating and didn't give the will to play. Just put shield and wait is more rewarding...

To solve this problem, the idea is to trigger a shield each time we play a match, that goes off after the end of match. I think it really help to improve the competition during the last hours of the event.

Perhaps other will have other idea to solve this, so post your idea...