Planeswalkers don't regenerate

For some reason, sometimes when I log on I discover my Planeswalkers haven't regenerated. It's not so bad except for the fact that usually I don't remember to check and go into battles at 7 health.


  • Did you hard reset the game?
  • I've had that happen a couple of times if I leave the game on. My habit now is to flick the game away when I finish for a while. When I start the game again the Regen has happened and if I was only gone for 30 minutes or so the planeswalker may not be full, even thou it reports as full, but at least it is regenerting.
  • I've found out what causes it- leaving in the middle of a Quickbattle. This is likely intentional, but it's likely a bug that the health then never regenerates.
  • Weird, leaving in the middle should bring you to 0 (or 4 or whatever) but then should be fine.
  • If you get disconnected during a quick battle, the PW doesn't start to regenerate until after you've reconnected again. So if you get disconnected, close the app and don't come back for 24 hours, your PW will still be at 6/7 health when you return.

    This can be replicated quite easily.

    Also, often, when you come back it shows the PW as fully regenerated until you go into a new battle.
  • I'm having this problem, except in the menus it shows the PW has regenerated to full, but when I enter a quick battle I have a lower life total even after 8+ hours (really low as if it didn't regenerate at all). Not sure if I should create a separate topic.