What's the point of a game one can't play

I won't speak here of this highly broken level scaling as many posts talk about it a lot already. the only thing i'll speak about here is that because of it i can't play anymore your game. Apart from the first dull fights of the new iso-8 event, ennemies are way too powerful to be beaten afterwards and i can't play anymore.

No event, no game.
If you don't care about it, what's the point of developping video games if you don't even make them playable to all, sounds like total nonsense to me. I'm not sad as the only thing i've to do is to play other better game than this one, but you have to know that i've never seen such an unfair, excluding & unbalanced game, ever.

And if you think that two players with the same roster (2 level 85 heroes at best) have to fight different ennemies (level 120 for my wife, level 230 for me), you're totally insane and certainly don't play your game sufficiently to spot its terrible flaws.

No fair, no game.


  • One word: money. Events like this screw the majority of players, forcing them to spend money or lose. That a lot of money in d3s pockets. Plus, these events are easy for new players, attracting more of them to the game, who then quickly become mid level players, who are then screwed, and the cycle repeats.
  • I'm not encountering the same thing you are. I have 4000 pts in one sub and my enemies range from lvl 100-160.
  • If you have 2 level 85 heroes then you should be doing a lot better than you are.

    I've beaten 200+ enemies and my three highest heroes are level 83 (Storm Classic), 69 (Thor) and 50 (IM35) but I use a lot of OWB (lv 44) or Storm (lv 50).

    I've spent very little money ($15) and there was a period where I was struggling too but I'm here to tell you that you will get over the "hump" and it will get easier. But I have to say that I find that the enemy level scaling has improved in my opinion.

    The new events have greater ISO-8 rewards that should allow players to level their heroes faster.

    How long have you been playing for?