Countering Trap Tiles - New Character Suggestion or Re-tool.

xidragonxi Posts: 253 Mover and Shaker
edited February 2016 in Speculation and Concepts
The current Daredevil PVP (and caltrops) made me realize that there isn't a character that counters trap tiles. Most other (non-character specific) tiles have a counter, even if its just an ability like Doc Ock blue or Jean purple that wipes them away. We need a character who can either make traps visible or disarm them outright.

Two suggestions:

New character: Kitty Pride (Shadowcat)
redflag.png / blueflag.png / purpleflag.png
redflag.png - Lockheed: Does damage
blueflag.png - Walk through Walls:
    1 cover - make 1 enemy trap tile visible to the player
[list=2]2 covers - makes 2 enemy trap tiles visible[/list]
[list=3]3 covers - makes 2 enemy trap tiles visible and disarms 1 random trap tile[/list]
[list=4]4 covers - makes 3 enemy trap tiles visible and disarms 1 random trap tile[/list]
[list=5]5 covers - makes all enemy trap tiles visible and disarms 2 random trap tiles[/list]
purpleflag.png - Hide & Seek - creates an invisibility tile that lasts for X turns based on how many covers you have. Maybe at 5 covers it can also turn a teammate invisible (like how she can phase others by touching them).

Re-tool 3* Spider-Man:
purpleflag.png Spider Sense (does the trap tile thing that I outlined above)
yellowflag.png Web Armor (does what his purple currently does)
blueflag.png All Tied Up (stays the same)


  • HawkGuy616
    HawkGuy616 Posts: 23 Just Dropped In
    A 4* Daredevil (black suit) night also work for this ability. Or a passive where he avoids damage from traps.
  • ErikPeter
    ErikPeter Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    Simply revealing traps would be way too situational to be good by itself. Walk Through Walls, for example, would be just awful, except against Daredevil where it neutralizes his best power. Revealing Nick Fury and Elektra's traps would be useful too, but not worth 1/3 of a character's utility.

    Also, it's hard to cost the value of revealing or disarming a trap. If you have a cheap trap-disarming power (besides, say, Hailstorm, which works pretty darn well), Daredevil is hosed. X-23 is as well. Powers that completely shut down some characters (but have no effect on most others) aren't great because players would feel that "Now, DD is terrible. Just because of this character, which no one will use be because she's only good against trap users". It's a bit illogical but it happens.

    So anyway, just add the "reveal" effect to another power that has a better, more generally useful function. Even "destroy an enemy CD" powers, which are very strong and quite rare, get riders that make them more desirable (Cap stuns or does tons of damage, Falcon's is passive and works on everything) because otherwise they'd be dead powers in many situations. But other trap users (Doom, Fury) make plenty of traps, where disarming one is just a slight setback. I can totally get behind the idea of trap revealing (as in my recent spec for Jessica Jones) or maybe disarming.

    Though it's different than what you suggested, I think it would make a great thematic addition to Spider-Man's spider sense. You could just passively reveal a trap along with creating the Protect tile whenever you match purple.
  • ronin_san
    ronin_san Posts: 980 Critical Contributor
    I'd like Domino to get an anger mechanic that procs whitecrit.png tiles as her "luck" ability.

    If you spring her trap, you give her crits.
  • ronin_san
    ronin_san Posts: 980 Critical Contributor
    As to disarming traps, then it strikes me as a Dr Strange ability. Some sort of passive disarming; eye of the Vishanti sort of ability.
  • Pwuz_
    Pwuz_ Posts: 1,213 Chairperson of the Boards
    Um, pretty sure there is a counter to trap tiles. ANY SPECIAL TILE GENERATOR like MoStorm, Falcon, Daken, etc. can potentially disarm traps by placing special tiles on top of them.

    You want someone who is a real true counter to trap tiles. Make an ability that FILLS THE BOARD with special tiles. They don't have to be strong tiles either.