Healt & Damage scalling after R91

D4Ni13 Posts: 745 Critical Contributor
edited January 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
Hy all,

I've started recently to research some hero stats for the Health and Damage curves from lvl40 to lvl166 (normal growth), 166+ for championing and for bonus (when the hero is buffed).

You can see my first impressions here: https://d3go.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=469463#p469463

Now I have some relevant results I want to share with you. Notice that my work is on 2-stars and 3-stars. If there is anybody who can make the same research on 4-stars it would be great.

Ok, so here are some pictures with my work (hope they won't get deleted).

I will present my conclusions on 3 star examples.

Example: Rocket & Groot

Chosen Ability: I got a plan (5 covers) => we will monitor the strike tile damage.
Starting Heath (lvl40): 2772
Starting Damage (lvl40): 55
Max Health (166): 10710
Max Damage (166): 261
Levels to grow: 166 - 40 = 126

Health Curve (lvl 40 to 166)

Max Health - Starting Health = 10710 − 2772 = 7938 Health to grow
Health to grow / Levels to grow = 7938 / 126 = 63 average health per Level

Bonus Health Curve (166-240)

Bonus Health (lvl240): 15372
Bonus Levels (lvl240): 240 - 166 = 74

Bonus Health - Max health = 15372 - 10710 = 4662 Bonus Health to grow
Bonus Health to grow / bonus levels = 4662 / 74 = 63 average health per level (bonus)

What do we learn from here?

1. The Health curve is linear (+X on every level).
2. The Bonus Health is also linear (probably calculated on the normal growth curve, 40 to 166)

The question: Is the champion health curve the same with the normal health curve? For this we need another example (Hulk - Indestructible). But lets continue with the Damage curve for Rocket & Groot first.

Damage Curve (40 to 166)

Total Damage - Starting Damage = 261 - 55 = 206 damage to grow (across 126 levels)
Damage to grow / Levels to grow = 206 / 126 = 1.63 average damage to grow per level

but as we see in the picture, the growth only happen on certain levels.

Bonus Damage Curve (166 to 240):

Bonus Damage (lvl240): 305
Bonus Levels (lvl240): 240 - 166 = 74

Bonus Damage - Max Damage = 305 - 261 = 44 bonus damage to grow
so 44 / 74 = 0.59 average damage to grow per level

What do we learn from here?

1. The Damage curve is not linear. After max level (166) the damage average is lower than before.

The question: Is the champion damage curve the same as the bonus damage curve?
To anwser this question and the earlier one, we will take another hero as example, as specified before:

Example: Hulk (Indestructible)

Chosen Ability: Thunderous Clap (5 covers) - we will monitor the base damage of the ability
Starting Heath (lvl40): 2970
Starting Damage (lvl40): 274
Max Health (lvl166): 11475
Max Damage (lvl166): 1199
Levels to grow: 166 - 40 = 126

Health Curve (40 to 166)

Max Health - Starting Health = 11475 - 2970 = 8505 Health to grow
Health to grow / Levels to grow = 8708 / 126 = 67.5 average health per level

Champion Health Curve (166 to 169)

Current level: 169
Levels from max: 169 - 166 = 3
Current Health: 11678

Current Health - Max Health = 11678 - 11475 = 203 Health from max
so 203/3 = 67.6 average health per level for (champion)

Bonus Health Curve (166 to 245)

Bonus level: 245
Bonus levels (from current) = 245 - 169 = 76
Bonus Health: 16808

Bonus Health - Curent Health = 16808 - 11678 = 5130 Health from max
so 5130 / 76 = 67.5 average health per level (bonus)

so the health per level number is similar tot all cases. Also done the math for Magneto (2-star) and it turns out he has the same number for normal health growth and champion health growth (+51 per level).

What do we learn from here?

1. The Health curve is linear, for the normal growth, for the bonus growth, and for the champion growth too. Small number differences between early levels come from calculations and rounding numbers behind the scene (not visible for the end user in the interface).

Damage Curve (40 to 166)

Max Damage - Starting Damage = 1199 - 274 = 925 damage to grow
Damage to grow / Levels to grow = 925 / 126 = 7.34 average damage per level

Champion Damage Curve (166 to 169)

Current Damage (lvl169): 1208
Current Damage - Total Damage = 1208 - 1199 = 9 damage from max
Damage from max / Levels to grow = 9 / 3 = 3 average damage per level (champion)

Bonus Damage Curve (166 to 245)

Bonus Damage (lvl245): 1417
Bonus Damage - Current Damage = 1417 - 1208 = 209 damage from max
Damage from max / Levels to grow = 209 / (245-169) = 209 / 76 = 2.75 average damage per level (bonus)

What do we learn from here?

1. The damage curve is not linear. It starts upward and flattens to higher level. So if we had an average of 7.34 damage on level until 166, that average will reach 2.75 until level 245.
Note: this numbers are for Hulk. But the bottom line is that the damage grows less with higher levels.

For insurance we can take another example: Human Torch (Classic)
Chosen Ability: Fireball (5 covers)
Damage lvl40 = 411
Damage lvl166 = 3390
Damage lvl240 = 3968


3390 - 411 = 2979 and 2979 / 126 = 23.64 average damage per level (40 to 166)
3968 - 3390 = 578 and 578 / (240-166) = 578 / 74 = 7.81 average damage per level (166 - 240)

Final conclusions:

1. The Health Curve is linear, but it's different from hero to hero. It grows the same for every scale (normal, bonus or champion). So we can easily predict our Max Champion Health if we know the average of his health per level.
For example: Hulk*** has +67.5 average health per level, Magneto** has +51 average health per level, while Rocket&Groot has +63 average health per level.

2. The Damage Curve is not linear. It start upwards and it flattens with higher levels (it grows less for higher levels).

I am not able to find a formula for the damage curve right now, because I don't have enough data. I will continue to monitor Magneto (marvel now)**, Wolverine**, Rocket&Groot***, Hulk*** and Human Torch***.

If you want to help, you can also take some heroes and monitor them for data. We need the last levels, beyond 245, and we also need to see if the raw damage (without buff) is the same with the bonus damage(with buff).

PS. Another interesting fact that I've learned from this research is that from level 166 to 245 the Tile Damage Grows +4 for the 3 strongest colors, and 0 for the rest. The team-up tile also grows +2.

In Hulk's example: for 166 (red 70, green 79, black 61, team-up: 41) for 245(red 74, green 84, black 65, team-up: 43). For Human Torch the values are the same.

Cheers icon_e_smile.gif