Invisible Woman VS Quicksilver

spawn2012 Posts: 44
Obvisly there an issue where both chars create and use locked tiles, but it doesnt work properly.
At first i thought its different tiles, becouse its totaly different chars but it seems QS uses IW locked tiles fine, but not other way around

When QS made lock tile after blue match, I used IW's green to blow it up, but it didnt. It created more locked tiles. BUT IW's locked tiles added to the 4 tile limit for QS blue power so.... what's up with that

Either they shouldn't use each others tiles at all or use all of them


  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    It does seem unfair, but it does make sense if you keep in mind that QS's ability keys off locked tiles, and IW's keys off force bubbles. Force bubbles are locked tiles, but locked tiles aren't necessarily force bubbles.
  • SirLanik
    SirLanik Posts: 345 Mover and Shaker
    More than one effect can "lock" a tile. In this case, you have both force bubbles, and you have tiles locked by Quicksilver. Though the ability doesn't explicitly spell this out, if you look when they are created, they're very different. Quicksilver's tiles have a sort of blur effect on them. And if read Invisible Woman's abilities, it says she locks tiles in a Force Bubble. She does not create Locked tiles, though it does behave similarly.

    In short, two different effects, visually different, similar effect.