
ScrawL Posts: 32 Just Dropped In
So I've noticed on a lot of the other Marvel games and other games that have such a variety of characters there is a costume/skin system. In some, these costumes give bonuses and special perks. I know in MPQ it seems more likely to just get another version of the character but I'm just wondering what everyone would think about introducing costumes/skins/etc.

It could be something as simple as the different colors of costume a character has used or something to that effect. I guess it's already past the point of introducing alternate costumes since there's original black widow, grey suit, and modern. But what do you think about the costume idea other games use? Could it be of any use or even practical in MPQ?

Example of costume: Marvel Zombies

..I just think it'd be cool to be able to get Marvel zombies alt costume for everyone lol