Make Huge Game-Changing Announcements IN GAME As Well

So I had no idea about the new change about regarding upgrades going from hero points to command points. Luckily enough, for those who went onto the forum, you were notified of this switch, but for most of us who have been saving up and are 200 HP off of an upgrade for a Nick Fury cover, seeing this happen with 0 notifications in-game is seriously heartbreaking.

I don't know if a lot of veterans of the game feel the same way as I do, but after saving up for so long, some executive decision gets passed along and people are not given nearly enough time to adapt leaving people like me in a frustrating state where all of a sudden something that we've saved up for for so long get's the Ebay scalper premium effect happening to it.

Obviously I'm upset and I feel betrayed by the devs since there was little to no communication that was made up until this point. I understand your mission to make players stay more long-term (I've read the post), but at least give everyone equal opportunity to learn what is going on, or what you are going to change. Provide in-game messages that pop up on start-up that tell us "hey, we're going to change this tomorrow, so you better use it up quickly!", instead of just posting on some forum, which I'm assuming most people visit because of random curiosity/glitches/errors/etc..

If anything, can the change from HP to CP be reverted for a little bit, just to allow those who saved up to be given a chance to use their hard-earned spoils on what they wanted? I know it's a long shot and I hope the dev-team gets a chance to see this, but if anything, maybe postpone this change for a little bit and give in-game announcements for anything game-changing like this from here on out so that everyone one in the community is given a chance?

Thanks for your time.


  • IsAlsoThrillho
    IsAlsoThrillho Posts: 4 Just Dropped In
    I totally agree! I'm at day 771 and I generally support the change of power purchasing from HP to CP. I think it'll be good for the game long-term.

    However, I've been saving up HP to max out Hulkbuster for a long, long time. I finally hit the circumstances I was waiting for today, and was shocked to learn I no longer could use my HP as intended. Had I known, I would have made my cover purchases earlier. I see it was announced ahead of time on the boards, but unfortunately, I don't read the boards much (I created this account just to chime in here), so an in-game notification would have been a much fairer way to do it I think.

    For this change in particular, how about extending the time we have to buy covers with HP a bit, now that everyone knows about the change?