Planeswalker mana should grant 1 card mana

It is extremely devastating to have a bad board that forces you to match planeswalker mana.

Esp as board "resets" are rare, and 99% of the time that you are forced to match planeswalker mana, you will grant the opponent a match that isn't planeswalker mana. And then you're left with no matches again. It is a vicious cycle.

In this game, the effect of early mana dominance doesn't go away, and it doesn't reset every turn like it does in MtG, a 8 mana lead could easily be the difference between complete board control and having absolutely no options, and no way of gaining mana at all.

So I propose that much like how every normal match gives 1 planeswalker mana, every planeswalker match gives 1 normal mana.

This will
  • Incentivize planeswalker mana matches more. Now they're worth "4" mana total.
  • Remove the possibility of a 0 mana gain turn, and subsequent frustration at being unable to do anything.
  • Allow for faster and more interesting turns.

Most of us would like to play the cards in our hand, instead of waiting turn after turn twiddling our thumbs.


  • TL;DR

    Essentially, every match should guarantee one Plainswalker mana and one regular mana.

    I like it!
  • Oh wow I just realized I put this in the wrong forum.

    Er, if someone could move this to the suggestions forum that would be great.
  • Oberoni
    Oberoni Posts: 34
    I'll second this idea.