Paused games lost

Spiderben69 Posts: 24
I am playing a game and pause it to do something else on my phone, when I return to running apps and try to go back to the game I'm playing more often than not MPQ will restart instead of returning to the game I was playing. The result of that is that the paused game is automatically lost and my due rewards are lost, worse still I may have actually lost reward points for "losing" a Versus match. I have also seen the same thing happen when I just plug my phone in to charge whilst in the middle of a match - again MPQ restarts rather than continuing with the current battle and all points are lost.
This means that really I can never pause a game, particularly frustrating in some of these 5 wave battles


  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    This is an issue with not having enough memory to keep the game live in the background. It can be a problem in particular on older or inexpensive phones, or on some devices running modified versions of Android, such as Samsung's TouchWiz, that adversely affect memory usage.

    You can try to minimize pausing the game, as I used to on an old iPhone 4, but this is a frustrating suggestion. Upgrading your device or removing custom UIs such as TouchWiz can be the best fix.
  • SirLanik
    SirLanik Posts: 345 Mover and Shaker
    On my iphone I can generally use 1 or 2 other apps briefly and switch back with no issue. But if I use twitter for a lengthy time, or Twitter and Safari and back to Twitter, then when I come back the match has dropped.

    It will vary depending on your device, but generally I would minimize the time you spend outside the app when actively in a match to try and avoid this happening.
  • Alaszun
    Alaszun Posts: 68
    Sorry if this is a bit technical, I'm an app developer who works on an app you've probably used if you have android.

    Essentially, the android guidelines say that it is possible for an activity (think of a battle or the main MPQ window as an activity) that isn't in the foreground to be terminated at any time if the system needs to reclaim memory. Consequently, app developers are told that they need to write their activities as if they can be killed at any time when backgrounded to restore memory and be ready to restore them. MPQ hasn't written it that way--they just restart the app if the activity crashes. It's possible they just haven't figured out how to implement it. It's also possible it's written that way because it's essentially the same codepath as if someone were to force kill the application, and they want to prevent people from fleeing battles by just force quitting.
  • turul
    turul Posts: 1,622 Chairperson of the Boards
    Alaszun wrote:
    It's also possible it's written that way because it's essentially the same codepath as if someone were to force kill the application, and they want to prevent people from fleeing battles by just force quitting.

    If they implement battle restore, ppl cant flee the battle by force quitting the app!