Free Auto AP for opponents

Spiderben69 Posts: 24
This is something I have noticed before - Now playing Enemy of the State and when the opponents team has Wolverine on it, he gets 2 red AP for free EVERY turn irrespective of whether he matches and red or not. Indeed, if Wolvie matches 4 reds, he'll get his 4 PLUS 2 additional red AP.
This means that sometimes Wolverine can fire off Adamantium Slash every 2 turns if matches go his way. This is a bug right?


  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    Goon enemies (the generic ninjas, in this case), generate their own AP since they can't move the board. When paired with a hero character, the AP they generate can feed the Hero's abilities. People generally dislike this as it allows the enemy hero to use abilities much faster and more frequently than they'd otherwise be able to. But no, it's not a bug.