Dear Devs; We Know Scrolling Leaderboards are out...

Arondite Posts: 1,188 Chairperson of the Boards
...of the question. That's fair. It's tazing to the server, and taxing to the user's device. But there's still very valuable information in the leaderboards AND there's fortunately an easy way to give players acces to that info without needing the scrolling boards.

Allow us to click on a reward tier to jump to that rank on the leaderboard.

Wanna know if T25 is reasonably within pushing distance? Tap the "T10-T25" rewards segment to leap to the player in position 25 (and those in the spaces around him). Need to know where T100 is at? Tap on "T50-T100" to jump directly to the man sitting in 100th.

Viola! Magnifico! Everybody wins!