Next Deadpool Crash of Titans [Invisible Woman]



  • Yeah, you're using an IW build that I was (eventually) able to beat him with, using two AP boosts and one green and blue? match damage boost (having used up all my good 'uns by then)

    It did take ten tries, but this is TOTALLY one you can do. I wager you know roughly what the plan is, all that matters now is making it work!

    I belieeeeeeeeve in yooooooooooou~
  • Stick at it there is a bit of luck needed but I have done it twice now last time round she was 1,1,0 so it was match damage only no powers to deal damage and be care with locked you put down they count as quicksilvers locked tiles
  • Katai
    Katai Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    I would just buy more match damage boosts. Iso-8 is rough to spend, but it's for a legendary token.

    Cast yellow as often as possible. From that point on, just try to destroy his lock tiles. It's nice to be able to cast blue + green, but it's not necessary and matching blue can be problematic. His only way to damage you is by triggering his blue ability, so unlocking tiles is your first priority.
  • Akari
    Akari Posts: 492 Mover and Shaker
    Won second try, 411 IW level 118. Fairly green/red heavy board, so I was able to pick and choose blue and TU matches for the most part. Green was doing piddly damage, and I used blue/green combo 3x. Never lost invis, never took damage after 3rd turn.

    First try, the board had 0 yellow and I got ruined.
  • Natsufan01
    Natsufan01 Posts: 259 Mover and Shaker
    I beat it with lvl 74 1/1/0. No offensive skill whatsoever. 5th attempt and had lota of luck. You can do it!
  • cletus1985
    cletus1985 Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    Natsufan01 wrote:
    I beat it with lvl 74 1/1/0. No offensive skill whatsoever. 5th attempt and had lota of luck. You can do it!

    I did it with that exact same build last time, so it's definitely winnable with a 2/1/1. It took me a lot more attempts though. This time I had her much more viable and won in 3 attempts.
  • xandro
    xandro Posts: 17
    Finally beat him after a few more tries.... I only had 74 energy points left. It was tricky
  • slowej25
    Beat it with a base level 70 IW, 5/4/0 build. Took a few tries and match damage boosts, and the match lasted forever, but yeah get invisible and match those locked tiles away ASAP