Feature request: Replay

I'd like to be able to see a replay of the fight whenever somebody wins or loses against me in PvE. Nothing spectacular, just an observer recap that fires off all moves in sequence, with all think times removed, no interaction possible. Could be provided as part of the "you were attacked" popup, add an additional button that launches the replay.

- See how others players failed miserably against your defensive team.
- Learn about skill combinations you never thought would be successful.
- Deter cheaters, fishy moves will be plainly visible.


  • Yes! I can see how my team works on defense instead of just speculating. I can also see what characters to avoid attacking because of the counter attack. It would add another element of strategy to the game without making it overly complicated
  • This could be very interesting. I wish I knew how the AI plays my team - on the other hand, maybe I'm glad I don't. Seriously though, we could learn a lot by watching our team being controlled by someone else. Maybe the AI even comes up with some new ideas, who knows? Though I must say, I've watched it playing teams with the same characters as mine and it was not too good at all.