Request for Double-ISO from off season

kensterr Posts: 1,277 Chairperson of the Boards
edited January 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
Firstly I like to congratulate the developers on making the game interesting again by introducing the Champions feature, and also to thank D3Go for delaying the power upgrade with CP by a week (not that I needed it).

Having said that, with the new features the game seems to be lacking in ISO even though we (the hardcore players, not the forum whiners) grind every PVE and PVP and LR.

I humbly request that there'll be double ISO from off season events to help players cope with ISO shortage.

(Mods: This is a request, not a suggestion. Please do not move the thread to another sub forum)


  • TheOncomingStorm
    TheOncomingStorm Posts: 489 Mover and Shaker
    With all due respect to my colleague, I do not believe his request goes far enough. I applaud him taking the initiative to make this much needed request.

    Yes. The new farming feature should reenergize the game, assuming mpq increases iso flow. Otherwise, farming/championing will just be a new frustration for many players.

    Therefore, iso should be increased overall, not just during the offseason. I'm not saying double, bit more than current (I'm looking at you 20 iso rewards).

    I also think leagues were needed prior to the championing feature being added, but that bridge has been crossed. Iso is now the top concern. While championing may repay iso paid on the front side, that's a process that'll take a very, very long time. Iso relief was needed prior to championing, a lack of increased iso flow will just exacerbate the situation.
  • Eh, I'll stand for doubling Iso permanently, although I'd probably leave the Prologue as-is.

    Like, the biggest concern I can think of is increasing the flow for new players "too" much, but most new players stick to the prologue because it's the most normal first place to play.

    And it'd make them more comfortable going into PVE (and PVP) as needed after that. Probably. Maybe.
  • dider152
    dider152 Posts: 263
    I think they should tripple all iso gains across the board, at least double them at minimum. The amount of iso needed to progress in this game is ridiculous.

    Also, they need to increase the amount of iso that can be bought. I did a small calculation: according to the DPD store, a 4* amount of iso is 10000. Similarly, a 4* amount of Hero Points is 1000. So 1 HP = 100 iso. $100 gets you 20000 HP. Ago you should get 2000000 iso for 100 bucks. What they have there is a joke, and I won't even consider buying iso until they change it.