The new price of covers with CP...

sinnerjfl Posts: 1,275 Chairperson of the Boards
edited January 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
This is for 4*'s:

$1700 for a single cover
$17000 to whale a 4* (if you had 3 covers of course)


$10000 for a cover
$100000 to whale a 5* (if you had 3 covers)

What planet are the developpers of this game living on? This is a mobile game and you're gonna ask players to spend thousands of dollars to buy 1 single cover? Did a millionaire thought this up?



  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    sinnerjfl wrote:
    What planet are the developpers of this game living on? This is a mobile game and you're gonna ask players to spend thousands of dollars to buy 1 single cover? Did a millionaire thought this up?
    Donald Trump is totally gonna whale that upcoming 4*, 'cause the damage on that 14AP green....

  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    You really should provide some sort of assumptions with your outrageous numbers. It seems like you are claiming that buying a $100 package comes with 7 CPs. If that's true, you're doing it wrong. Join a buyers club, get 140 CPs for each $100 spent. Now your 4* cover costs ~$86. Still outrageous compared to $12.50 or whatever it was exactly before, but a more accurate number than what you are claiming here.

    Also these are CP that are merely considered bonuses to what you are actually buying, either HP or iso. You are still left with all the other stuff you bought. I'm obviously not gonna say it's at all reasonable, but just wait to see whether they are adding CP purchases directly or an HP -> CP conversion before passing judgment.
  • I get the feeling they think that direct cover buys are noa huge part of their money-getting resources.

    And they'll find out soon enough if it is.

    And if it IS... I can see them going back to stuff like, "Cover ten pack comes with guaranteed Punisher cover. 42 pack comes with Guaranteed Ant-Man cover" or whatnot, to see if people hunting for HP routes for covers are willing to go back into that.
  • sinnerjfl
    sinnerjfl Posts: 1,275 Chairperson of the Boards
    mohio wrote:
    You really should provide some sort of assumptions with your outrageous numbers. It seems like you are claiming that buying a $100 package comes with 7 CPs. If that's true, you're doing it wrong. Join a buyers club, get 140 CPs for each $100 spent. Now your 4* cover costs ~$86. Still outrageous compared to $12.50 or whatever it was exactly before, but a more accurate number than what you are claiming here.

    Also these are CP that are merely considered bonuses to what you are actually buying, either HP or iso. You are still left with all the other stuff you bought. I'm obviously not gonna say it's at all reasonable, but just wait to see whether they are adding CP purchases directly or an HP -> CP conversion before passing judgment.

    I guess you're their target with this new pricing scheme then. Instead of having 1 person spend 100$, let's have 20 people do it at the same time!

    Yeah, I cannot believe this is what this game is gonna degenerate to now. I'd love to pass judgment on the new prices and added bonuses and whatnot, but guess what, we don't know anything because that's how these devs roll.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    mohio wrote:
    Also these are CP that are merely considered bonuses to what you are actually buying, either HP or iso. You are still left with all the other stuff you bought.
    The "other stuff" is just the crackerjacks you throw in the garbage because you really only wanted the prize at the bottom.
  • mohio wrote:
    You really should provide some sort of assumptions with your outrageous numbers. It seems like you are claiming that buying a $100 package comes with 7 CPs. If that's true, you're doing it wrong. Join a buyers club, get 140 CPs for each $100 spent. Now your 4* cover costs ~$86. Still outrageous compared to $12.50 or whatever it was exactly before, but a more accurate number than what you are claiming here.

    Also these are CP that are merely considered bonuses to what you are actually buying, either HP or iso. You are still left with all the other stuff you bought. I'm obviously not gonna say it's at all reasonable, but just wait to see whether they are adding CP purchases directly or an HP -> CP conversion before passing judgment.

    It seems like you are claiming there is no benefit to joining buyers clubs before. If that's true, you're doing it wrong.

    You still get the bonus 140CP, only now you can spend it on even more covers. 17-1 on your own or 8+6=14 to 1 in a buyers club. Either way you look at it the price of 4* covers jumped astronomically.

    Further no CP is not a "bonus" under the new system, HP will be utterly worthless and the amount of ISO you get is pathetic.
  • simonsez wrote:
    mohio wrote:
    Also these are CP that are merely considered bonuses to what you are actually buying, either HP or iso. You are still left with all the other stuff you bought.
    The "other stuff" is just the crackerjacks you throw in the garbage because you really only wanted the prize at the bottom.

    Some of us need those crackerjacks WAY more then the cruddy prize there, y'know.

    I'd even say "Most of us, by an overwhelming margin."

    I'd sell all my CP for 25 HP each in an instant if I could.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    colwag wrote:
    I'd sell all my CP for 25 HP each in an instant if I could.
    To roster what, a 4* you'll never ever cover to a usable state?
    Just saying, people who don't play enough for their HP to sustain their play, aren't earning enough covers anyway.
  • CNash
    CNash Posts: 952 Critical Contributor
    Some people can be so myopic. Just because you don't need roster slots or shields, doesn't mean nobody does, or that HP is "worthless".
  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    Enslaved wrote:
    mohio wrote:
    You really should provide some sort of assumptions with your outrageous numbers. It seems like you are claiming that buying a $100 package comes with 7 CPs. If that's true, you're doing it wrong. Join a buyers club, get 140 CPs for each $100 spent. Now your 4* cover costs ~$86. Still outrageous compared to $12.50 or whatever it was exactly before, but a more accurate number than what you are claiming here.

    Also these are CP that are merely considered bonuses to what you are actually buying, either HP or iso. You are still left with all the other stuff you bought. I'm obviously not gonna say it's at all reasonable, but just wait to see whether they are adding CP purchases directly or an HP -> CP conversion before passing judgment.

    It seems like you are claiming there is no benefit to joining buyers clubs before. If that's true, you're doing it wrong.

    You still get the bonus 140CP, only now you can spend it on even more covers. 17-1 on your own or 8+6=14 to 1 in a buyers club. Either way you look at it the price of 4* covers jumped astronomically.

    Further no CP is not a "bonus" under the new system, HP will be utterly worthless and the amount of ISO you get is pathetic.
    I just reread what I wrote just to make sure, but I don't think anything I said could be read like I was saying there was no benefit to buyers clubs before. Of course there is, you should always be looking to maximize your value for your purchase, so of course seeking out a buyers club is what you should be doing if you plan on spending money.

    As for what is actually being bought, either now or a week from now, it's very difficult to say what the driving force is, or at least to generalize over the population of "MPQ spenders". The super-whales spending $10k+ (there are likely more of these guys than you all realize) are surely not spending this kind of money for all the HP/iso they will collect. They are of course hunting for 5*, so the main draw is all the CPs so they can buy LT or even direct power upgrades. Most MPQ spenders however, even "normal" whales, are simply spending $50 or $100 here and there to restock their HP for buying 4* covers and roster slots and shield hopping. The extra CPs are nice and of course they want 5* too, but it is a bit of a secondary consideration to the HP they wanted/needed.

    Lastly, I agree 4* covers have jumped in price by quite a staggering amount. I have no idea why 4* are going from being twice as expensive as 3* to now 6 times as much. That is ridiculous and I wish the devs (or publishers if they are the ones setting prices, don't know how these things work exactly) would explain why they think that is reasonable. Also, you are right, HP is seriously devalued now (at least unless/until we hear there are going to be other uses for it going forward) and if you're buying iso it's surely only for the CP and because you don't actually need more HP cause you have so much already. Anyway, it certainly seems under the new system the CPs are the desired part of the purchase, I was merely stating that prior to now they have been marketed as "bonus" items you get when you make a large purchase.

    And to the other guy stating I am the intended audience for this...I am and have been F2P since I started playing some 680 days ago. Doesn't mean I can't comment on their prices or monetization model/strategy, but I am most certainly not going to partake in it when the incentives and benefits for doing so are so low.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    CNash wrote:
    Some people can be so myopic.
    I'm not so myopic that I can't see a hundred **** posts from casual players complaining that the 4* transition is "impossible". So yeah, if all you're gonna spend your HP on is roster slots on a dozen 1 and 2 cover 4*s, yeah, it's worthless.
  • CNash wrote:
    Some people can be so myopic. Just because you don't need roster slots or shields, doesn't mean nobody does, or that HP is "worthless".

    More like a fundamental difference in being able to see the forest for the trees. I need roster slots and shields too, the difference is I understand that HP will decrease in value exponentially under the new system and you apparently don't.
    Right now, HP is a scarce and valuable commodity, come the 13th it will be a common and valueless commodity and that isn't an opinion it's a matter of economic certainty.
    Assuming there are no other changes of course! It's kinda hard to gauge what they'll do next, maybe in the planned 3* buffs they make Ragnarok better than IF too, who knows?
  • ErikPeter
    ErikPeter Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    mohio wrote:
    I have no idea why 4* are going from being twice as expensive as 3* to now 6 times as much. That is ridiculous and I wish the devs (or publishers if they are the ones setting prices, don't know how these things work exactly) would explain why they think that is reasonable.

    Well, 3* covers were like, 5-10 times as expensive as they should have been in the first place. The 1250HP/cover was a sucker option from the beginning. It just makes 2500 for a 4* seem like a good deal in comparison.

    20CP is just as bad. One 3-star cover an experienced player gets tons of dupes for is worth one random 4* pull? Those 4*s that take months/years to accumulate for non-hardcore players? Anyone who spends 20CP to get their last BP black cover, or whatever, is going to realize a month later what an idiot they were, when they've gotten 3 more and now they're trying to collect 4*.

    Setting the value of a 4* at 120 CP might just psychology to alter the perceived value of CP/covers. The fact is, even if you have 8 maxed 4*, 4.8 pulls for 25CP each almost certainly provides more benefit than one specific cover for 120. It's never, ever a good deal until there's literally only a few covers left that you need... and because of Championing possibilities, probably not even then.

    So yeah, setting 1 cover/120 CP makes a random pull for 20 seem like a great deal. Which means when there's another Naughty or Nice style vault with 6 4* covers in it, you'll be thinking, "Wow, that's 500-800 CP worth of stuff for only $99!" i.e. "Months worth of CP for a quick swipe of the credit card. So worth it!"