To buy a 4 star cover (with HC while I still can) or not?

The Viceroy Returns
The Viceroy Returns Posts: 493 Mover and Shaker
edited January 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
I assume many are in the same dilemma as I am now, so figured I'd ask.

I bought the Android only sale of 2900 HC for only 5 bucks like a sucker, and now have almost 10K HC.
With the new change, HC will be greatly de-valued and I'll only really use them for roster spots going forward.

Looking at my roster, should I buy any 4 star covers now while I have the chance?

Top candidates:
Huklbuster @ 3 5 1 Red, possibly Blue
Prof X @ 3 2 2 ANY, especially Blue
Iceman @ 1 2 1 ANY, especially Green or Blue
Jean Grey @ 1 1 2 ANY, especially Green or Blue

I don't want to blow the whole wad on 4 star covers, and might only upgrade one power honestly, as my intent was to build up a buffer of some kind for roster slot costs, which cost me 1K HC.

I've always thought that buying a 4 star cover for 2500 HC was a terrible value, but the new cost of 120 CP is insanity. Donno if I should even bother buying a 4 star cover as I never did before, and just assume that I don't have to worry about roster slot costs for a good while.
Assuming they don't pull the old Miles Morales Eddie Venom Double Duece again. Knowing these devs, they just might.

As several on here have already said, just because something was bad before, and a new thing comes along that makes the previous thing not look so bad by comparison, doesn't make it suddenly good.
That's like saying The Temple of Doom is now good because Crystal Skull came out.


  • MarvelMan
    MarvelMan Posts: 1,350
    Just to put this out there from the discussion we are having in our Line room:

    Are you future proofing or looking for immediate use?
  • Magic
    Magic Posts: 1,199 Chairperson of the Boards
    I would buy 2 red Hulk or 2 Blue ProfX. Both skills at 5 have great value (in the right team). You would keep 5k - pretty safe buffer.
  • Ludaa
    Ludaa Posts: 542
    I too am considering dumping my HP. If we knew how much HP/CP was in the champion progressions from the beginning levels, it'd be an easier decision. Will 2* champ progressions give enough HP to cover slots, or shields? Will there be enough CP's that spending 120 on a cover seems reasonable? That would require, you know, some kind of planned notice on behalf of the professionals running the show though.

    I'd take your HB to 5 red without hesitation. You can do very well with a 551. Ice and Jean may be useful at half covers after this "update," but not in a competitive sense.
  • One thing to consider is the champion free-respec feature. So if you're not going all the way to 13 covers now, but would have the ISO to max the character when they come, you might want to aim for 4-4-4 so that any color will do to allow championing and then respec into what you want. That way you're a little less dependent on RNGesus. Of course it hurts in the short term...
  • Do it on HB redflag.png
    or you will need 28 cp which is probably 400$ icon_lol.gif
    with 20k heropointsbig.png you can buy 8 covers
    whaling ftw
  • The Viceroy Returns
    The Viceroy Returns Posts: 493 Mover and Shaker
    First off thanks for all the advice guys!
    MarvelMan wrote:
    Are you future proofing or looking for immediate use?

    Future proofing. I'm mostly thinking of doing this while it's possible, as I will probably still be using CP for LT tokens after the update, and potentially the "new" 4 star only tokens every now and then once the value of that token type is determined.
    120 CP for a specific 4 star cover seems WAY too much IMO. 100 or 75 seems like a more player friendly cost, but we know how D3 can be in that regard. I mean, they think that a specific 3 star cover (20 CP) is worth a random 4 star cover (the new 3 specific star cover cost)! icon_eek.gif
    One thing to consider is the champion free-respec feature. So if you're not going all the way to 13 covers now, but would have the ISO to max the character when they come, you might want to aim for 4-4-4 so that any color will do to allow championing and then respec into what you want. That way you're a little less dependent on RNGesus. Of course it hurts in the short term...

    Wow, strong idea about the respec feature and to save myself from RNGessus.
    Knowing my luck my next 3 LT tokens will be Black Hulkbuster, or Blue Prof X if I buy him to 5 Blue.

    I do have 2 LT's waiting to open, and enough CP to buy a 3rd, but was waiting for this respec feature.
    I'll be opening them for sure as soon as i can now, and maybe just maybe I'll get one of these characters, which would make my decision that much easier.

    The only thing is not sure if I want to level max Prof X because of Winfinite. If he's maxed, you get Blue from the Big Giant Head match-5 passive instead of Purple if used with his angles (Scarlet Witch or Black Widow). This won't save me from RNGeesus when pulling Prof X covers, but having the 5 Blue just might be worth it anyway.
    2 red HB and 2 blue ProfX.
    I know you said you don't want to blow all 10K, but HB red is key in PVP, and Prof blue is key in PVE.
    Buy the covers, level HB to at least 200 and prof to 130, profit.

    I'm just under 10K HC; I think I'm at like 9675 or something.
    So enough for 3 total covers. Or comfortable to spend for 3 total covers at least. That would still leave me leftovers for two roster spots.

    So my thoughts are to get 2 Prof X Blue to bring him to 5 2 2 and a Hulkbuster Red for 3 5 1, and then level them to decent levels and go from there.
    I mostly play PVE anyway, so to be able to Winfinite correctly will be pretty great, altho a level 285 3 1 2 OML + Iron Fist worked very well in Venom Bomb. icon_cool.gif
    By the way, how's your GSBW?
    Your BobbyGollum and Jean are too far from usability...sorry. I know the feeling!

    My GSBW is 5 3 5 maxed, as is my Scarlet Witch at 5 3 5.
    I know right? BobbyGollum will be stuck in that underground lake cave trying to find the ring for quite a bit longer it seems... And hitting t10 in a PVE is crazy time, so I won't be earning any of those from the current PVE.

    I have quite a bit of ISO that I've been saving for when I get covers of top tier 4 stars.
    I suppose now would be the time to use it...
    The side effect is it's made me a "dirty soft capper" but all of the 3 stars that are worth a damn I have level maxed, and the few 4 stars I could bring into the 200's in levels aren't top tier, so why bother if I won't even use them AND it will ruin my scaling?
  • Tilesmasher
    Tilesmasher Posts: 127 Tile Toppler
    Wait, you can't buy covers with hero points anymore?
  • The only thing is not sure if I want to level max Prof X because of Winfinite.
    Yeah, he's an exception and I agree that with your max SW and GSBW, you should top off his blue and enjoy. Makes me think about buying up my ProfX blue while I can, even though none of my 3 pieces are ready for prime time yet...
    The side effect is it's made me a "dirty soft capper" but all of the 3 stars that are worth a damn I have level maxed, and the few 4 stars I could bring into the 200's in levels aren't top tier, so why bother if I won't even use them AND it will ruin my scaling?
    This is going to hurt the most now. Extra covers for lesser toons that aren't worth max leveling. Also still sucks to get 6th of a color before a good toon is at 13. icon_e_sad.gif It's no worse than before, just now with extra missed opportunity. Yay!

    (btw, I don't personally think saving ISO for useful 4*/5* growth later makes you a dirty soft capper, just smart.)
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Also still sucks to get 6th of a color before a good toon is at 13. icon_e_sad.gif It's no worse than before, just now with extra missed opportunity. Yay!
    I think we should all clamor for this suggestion to become a reality:

  • Arondite
    Arondite Posts: 1,188 Chairperson of the Boards
    Tug all your tokens to make sure you don't level a power you will pull anyway. Assuming nothing changes with your pulls, but 2 red in HB.
  • DayvBang wrote:
    Also still sucks to get 6th of a color before a good toon is at 13. icon_e_sad.gif It's no worse than before, just now with extra missed opportunity. Yay!
    I think we should all clamor for this suggestion to become a reality:

    I agree with your idea, and upvoted it, but unfortunately I think the devs WANT us to feel the RNGesus pain. Why else would we ever pay the crazy fees for specific covers? I don't think they're aiming for zero pain nor "I quit" pain, but juuuuuuust enough to "incentivise" us to drop some cash.

    With no more HP for covers, though, I don't really understand what their business plan is. Maybe roster spots really were like 95+% of all spending anyway? I don't want to believe they plan to allow CP purchases down the line...
  • amusingfoo1
    amusingfoo1 Posts: 597 Critical Contributor
    Having read the earlier responses, I would say that Jean's purple is the single biggest difference maker. But that vs hb red to five AND px blue to five? Tough call.
  • spectator
    spectator Posts: 395 Mover and Shaker
    Hb red is the next hb 1k pvp reward. Buy only 1
  • The Viceroy Returns
    The Viceroy Returns Posts: 493 Mover and Shaker
    Then go with 2 covers Prof to 4 and Red HB to 4.

    I bought a Prof X Blue and a Hulkbuster Red.
    I still have 4650 HC, so if I did get a 4th Hulkbuster Red, I'd still have 2150 HC.
    That should be a decent buffer for roster slots, but you never know with these devs when they will decide to crank out like 3 new characters in a row.

    Prof X is now 4 2 2 @ Level 165 (being EXTRA careful how high I level him!)
    Hulkbuster is now 3 5 1 @ Level 175

    I have ISO to level them even higher, but waiting until the Champion feature comes online to see where I should spent it.
    Both max level I hope? Or close? Especially witch. She gets around!

    Both are maxed. icon_cool.gif
    Out of every 3 dtar in the game, I've only got 10 that aren't maxed, and they are the terrible ones, like IM40, MoStorm, Sentry (HATE this character with a passion; self damage is terrible design), etc.
    But with this Champion feature, I may even level up IM40 because he'll give Hulkbuster covers eventually...
    spectator wrote:
    Hb red is the next hb 1k pvp reward. Buy only 1

    I don't see a Hulkbuster Red as a reward for anything currently. Elektra is t10 in the next PVE (Enemy of the state), and the PVP's don't have him either. Unless you know one of the next events that hasn't gone live with a preview yet will be him.
  • MarvelMan
    MarvelMan Posts: 1,350
    spectator wrote:
    Hb red is the next hb 1k pvp reward. Buy only 1

    I don't see a Hulkbuster Red as a reward for anything currently. Elektra is t10 in the next PVE (Enemy of the state), and the PVP's don't have him either. Unless you know one of the next events that hasn't gone live with a preview yet will be him.

    What he is saying is that the next time IMHB is the 1k reward in PVP, it will be red.

    They go alphabetically, we are on The Thing, so it will be 12 PVPs (discounting out of season ones) before it comes just over a month(someone double check me).
  • The Viceroy Returns
    The Viceroy Returns Posts: 493 Mover and Shaker
    MarvelMan wrote:
    spectator wrote:
    Hb red is the next hb 1k pvp reward. Buy only 1

    I don't see a Hulkbuster Red as a reward for anything currently. Elektra is t10 in the next PVE (Enemy of the state), and the PVP's don't have him either. Unless you know one of the next events that hasn't gone live with a preview yet will be him.

    What he is saying is that the next time IMHB is the 1k reward in PVP, it will be red.

    They go alphabetically, we are on The Thing, so it will be 12 PVPs (discounting out of season ones) before it comes just over a month(someone double check me).

    Ah, fair enough. Unless they insert new release characters in between or something.
    but still, good to know.
    I would hope I can consistently hit 1K in PVP by the time he shows up again.
    Thanks for the clarification.