Countdown Tile Bug?

edited February 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
Does anyone else notice that what you put a "random" countdown tile that destroys surrounding tiles on the board that it always puts it on the outer edge for minimal damage? It never seems to put it in the middle. I've notived this most recently with MN Mag.


  • Not so much as a bug as that RNG sucks when it comes to single color cd tile placement. Even if you clear all potential matches, RNG "loves" the rim.
  • It wouldn't surprise me if the game tries to put CD in corners to decrease the chance it'll get destroyed.
  • It only seems to do this with Marvel Now Magneto. It'd be nice if it seemed to act that way with IM40 and Punisher.

    There are 64 tiles on the board
    There are 28 tiles around the edge of the board

    28/64 = 0.4375 or 43.75%

    Top: Somewhat Easy to bring down
    Left and Right side: Some chance of moving the tile right or left to match the other tile.
    Bottom: Moonstone warp? Reshuffle?

    It's somewhat safer to be placed on the edge, although it'd be nice if it would place the tiles in the center. I've grown fond of MN Magneto and The Hood
  • Also, if you just matched some blue, which you probably did because you have some blue AP, then you are more likely to have cleared out blue tiles in the center of the board, because it is easier to get matches in the center. Also, any new blue tiles intoduced will be mostly in the top row. This could leave more options on the sides, top, or bottom of the board, which would skew results towards edge matches. Same for red.
  • Human beings are notoriously bad at recognizing/mimicking true randomness. I would bet this is a case of selective memory.
  • MaxCavalera
    MaxCavalera Posts: 425 Mover and Shaker
    Kind of like when a huge cascade happens in your favor you think, just like i planned! When it happens against you... CHEATING AI!