"Bug" on 0 defenders objective

The objective to cast no defenders there is a slight bug, one it shows a 0 for the defender icon whic confused me at first and the cards that say they are defenders but do not have the defender icon do not count towards that number, is that the way it is supposed to be?


  • Can you give an example of a creature with defender that it's not counting? I never noticed such.
  • Meto5000
    Meto5000 Posts: 583
    Creatures with the "tower" icon are the only creatures that count as defender for the purpose of this objective. Other creatures that can block (vigilance and reach creatures) do not count as a defender. Whether or not this is a bug or a feature is up to you to decide.
  • Scrapskin drake says creature - defender but does not have castle icon so it dosent count just thought that might be a bug of some type
  • Creatures with the bow and arrow have Reach, which is a shorthand for a Defender that can also block a flier
  • A creature that is a defender because of reach does not activate the objective because it is not a "castle" defender that I somehow think is wrong at least to me because I don't have many "castle" defenders