Seeing ranking after tournament ends

edited February 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
I don't know if this works outside lightning rounds, but someone might want to try it.

This morning, in the 6 am Eastern LRs, I checked my ranking with about five minutes to go, to make sure I could essentially leave it (needed to shower and get ready for work). After the tournament ended, it was still on the same screen - and it let me tab over to the others, and they showed an updated score - I had about a 70 point lead when I got in the shower, but a 50 point one after, with a different person in second, and the previously shielded guy wasn't listed as shielded anymore.

Someone might want to try this with a different tournament, though it might only work when the timeframe is relatively short (this was like 15 minutes), and it's possible it only works in lightning rounds (since the "structure" of the tournamnet is still up).


  • Yes, this works. This is what I frequently do when a tournament is about to end and I'm out of plays. If you load up either the Top Ranked or Your Rank screen, and the tournament closes, you can still switch between them to see the final scores once you are sure the tournament closed.

    Usually, I'll load the screen and find something to do and recheck it about 5 minutes after tournament close. Also, if you know you aren't going to be able to get anymore matches in, you can just flip-flop between the two screens to watch how scores change until the tourney closes. Sometimes I do this if the scores are all really close and I'm antsy about my placement.

    Just don't back out of that screen accidentally if the tourney has ended as you won't be able to get back in.
  • MarvelMan
    MarvelMan Posts: 1,350
    I wish they would make the leaderboards available for ~5 min after close of a tourney. Often Im trying to squeeze in one last match and dont get to see where things actually ended up.