Ridiculous rewards schematic - totally abhorrent.

fruithead Posts: 56
edited January 2016 in MtGPQ General Discussion
Idc what anybody says this is utterly indefensible. Making rewards dependant upon calendar month, which is frankly uncool, is one thing.

But to make the penultimate reward @ 31 days, a number many months do not reach, AND TO RELEASE THE GAME IN A 30 DAY MONTH, is completely unacceptable.

AND this is besides the litany of unaddressed issues littering the forum, including cheating/dumb as rocks ai, broken features, numerous bugs and glitches (a LOT), no ladder, no events, insanely low mythic drop rate, nothing to do past super short story mode, terrible pvp/repeat quest rewards, and other problems.

I am swiftly losing interest in this game. If the devs do not chime in soon I will post a negative review in the play store and on any gaming forum I can find.

Such chicanery cannot be allowed. Release game cash grab profit and abandon?

Right now my opinion of the devs and publisher/release team can be summed up in one word: ***.

*Admin edited for language.


  • Considering the fact that we have not seen what the rewards look like for months with less than 31 days, we can't just assume fat packs are unobtainable in other months.

    Also, at least we simply have to log on and collect the reward, and not actually win a match like MPQ. If you say you don't have the time to do that, just do it when you go to the bathroom. It takes less than a minute to do.

    That being said, it is pretty harsh to require perfect attendance for a whole month. As stated in other posts, people lose their phone, break it, go on vacation to a place with little to no service, etc.

    There is another post in the suggestions area of the forums that suggests we have the 31 day reward schedule that resets whenever you reach 31, not when a new month starts, which is a pretty good idea. Head over there and share your approval and maybe the devs will incorporate a more forgiving system.
  • Arondite
    Arondite Posts: 1,188 Chairperson of the Boards
    That's pretty standard actually. Z Fighters is another example from the top of my head.
  • ROYGBV00
    ROYGBV00 Posts: 37 Just Dropped In
    When I logged on this evening and saw the log-in reset, it made me want to ragequit this game!

    D3, you guys need to reevaluate the stupid reward system for daily log-ins, or else there will be droves of people who quit the game!
  • I agree. Only being able to claim the end reward a few times a year is horse feces.

    I'm honestly tempted to say screw the game and demand a refund.
  • Glad I'm not the only one angry to see the reward reset today. Ignoring the fact the game hadn't been released for the full 31 days before it was reset, why is it that when I joined the game on the 14th I only started collecting the reward for day 1? If this model is meant to be each day is an actual calendar day then shouldn't we get day 14 reward on dec 14th?

    I'm hoping this is just another glitch and it's not meant to roll back once the new month starts. If it's not a glitch then they better adjust the days in the calendar to match the actual days in that month.

    I'm not bothered so much by the idea of having to log in and collect reward each day or missing out on final reward Only if there's a way to redeem days missed. Like in this farm game I play there are monthly rewards you get if you played every day that month. But if you missed any days you buy them with in game currency, the crystals in this game being equivalent (not runes). There are also daily rewards you get that increase in awesomeness every day you log in consecutively, that does reset when you miss a day. I had played the game nearly two years but missed a few days during hurricane sandy when we lost power. Nothing to do about it, but still I was able to buy the monthly reward days I missed.

    So I'm hoping when the devs get around to addressing players concerns this will be included. I've also spent money on this game and will be annoyed if these obvious improvements don't happen.
  • This reward system is in a ton of games, esp korean ones.

    I mean I don't like it too much, but this is hardly the first game that has this system.

    The whole point of the system is to reward those that log in every single day. Yes, the idea is to keep you playing or paying every day.

    I'm more a fan of weekly ones, but oh well.
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    I dont mind this reward system, you do get a pack every week and a fat pack for a full month of logging in every day, which is a good reward for that simple task.

    My issue is with the release month having the impossible goal of 31 days when starting from day of release you could only ever get 21 days for playing every day in december. Fix December compensation and I'm good to go for every month thereafter. December should have had a 21 day reward setup.
  • madsalad
    madsalad Posts: 815 Critical Contributor
    Ha, logged into the boards this morning after collecting my Day 1 reset of daily rewards. I'm glad I wasn't disappointed with people already blowing the place up over the 31day thing.

    It is stupid and needs to change to 28 days at the least. If they are going to keep it to reset at the beginning of every month.
  • Natsufan01
    Natsufan01 Posts: 259 Mover and Shaker
    The only game I played with this kins of reward you were allowed 5 makeup logins per month. So you could miss up to 5 days, and as long as you came back before the end of the month, you were fine.

    It could be worse. There are games that require consecutive days logging in and missing even 1 day starts you back over.
  • David [Hi-Fi] Moore
    David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin
    We've heard your feedback regarding Daily Rewards and we know that not all of it is positive. MtGPQ currently has a rewards plan (resets monthly) similar to other mobile games. We are looking into the system and evaluating whether changes should be made as we continually work on features, fixes and improvements.

    In response to the OP, the game hasn't been "abandoned." We're simply in the end-of-the-year holiday break time for many staff members. Things will be back to normal come Monday. Thanks for your patience!
  • I didn't get a reset. Did this happen to people who merge their Facebook account?
  • Tarouza
    Tarouza Posts: 101 Tile Toppler
    "David wrote:
    Moore"]We've heard your feedback regarding Daily Rewards and we know that not all of it is positive. MtGPQ currently has a rewards plan (resets monthly) similar to other mobile games. We are looking into the system and evaluating whether changes should be made as we continually work on features, fixes and improvements.

    In response to the OP, the game hasn't been "abandoned." We're simply in the end-of-the-year holiday break time for many staff members. Things will be back to normal come Monday. Thanks for your patience!

    2 questions, I know I created a topic the day the game came out questioning the rewards being impossible to earn for December because the game came out December 10th and there was no official reply. Why the heck would you release a game in the middle of the month and not even have the basic decency to notify players that the rewards you were advertising were not reachable, or do what every basic game with this reward setup does and adjust accordingly so that you're not alienating the playerbase from day 1.

    2) what the hell is the plan then for the months of February, April, June, September, and November?
  • You need to chill out lol. Are you old enough to work and/or support a family? Christ if they worked on this over christmas I would've told them to go home.

    That said the rewards aren't even a huge deal.

    You know what is equivalent to one fat pack? Simply playing the game for maybe 2 hours a day and opening 10-20 normal packs. You didn't miss out on something huge. It is just a small bonus. Noone shot your dog.

    Are you really this justified being this angry over a reward from a mobile game that is practically giving you free stuff? The draw rate for things out of normal packs is not that bad. You simply need to have the right long term mindset.

    I'm telling you right now even without the reward system this game is far more friendly to f2p than any other game D3GO has released, and also many other games on the market.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Tarouza wrote:
    "David wrote:
    Moore"]We've heard your feedback regarding Daily Rewards and we know that not all of it is positive. MtGPQ currently has a rewards plan (resets monthly) similar to other mobile games. We are looking into the system and evaluating whether changes should be made as we continually work on features, fixes and improvements.

    In response to the OP, the game hasn't been "abandoned." We're simply in the end-of-the-year holiday break time for many staff members. Things will be back to normal come Monday. Thanks for your patience!

    2 questions, I know I created a topic the day the game came out questioning the rewards being impossible to earn for December because the game came out December 10th and there was no official reply. Why the heck would you release a game in the middle of the month and not even have the basic decency to notify players that the rewards you were advertising were not reachable, or do what every basic game with this reward setup does and adjust accordingly so that you're not alienating the playerbase from day 1.

    2) what the hell is the plan then for the months of February, April, June, September, and November?

    The game had a limited release before the major launch, so anyone in the countries that had the earlier release , would have been able to complete it. Day 1 was long before the US release.
  • Meto5000
    Meto5000 Posts: 583
    Malcrof wrote:
    Tarouza wrote:

    2 questions, I know I created a topic the day the game came out questioning the rewards being impossible to earn for December because the game came out December 10th and there was no official reply. Why the heck would you release a game in the middle of the month and not even have the basic decency to notify players that the rewards you were advertising were not reachable, or do what every basic game with this reward setup does and adjust accordingly so that you're not alienating the playerbase from day 1.

    2) what the hell is the plan then for the months of February, April, June, September, and November?

    The game had a limited release before the major launch, so anyone in the countries that had the earlier release , would have been able to complete it. Day 1 was long before the US release.

    That doesn't excuse Hibernum from not responding the post on Dec 10th asking about the rewards structure. If they had simply addressed the issue from the start the reset on the 1st would not be an issue. A little communication goes a long way, and so far all there has been from them is cryptic and vague language promising eventual updates with no timetable.