Android sale problem

So I'm an iOS user who used an android phone to purchase the 5USD deal for 2900hp.

The hp and cp was credited into my account, yay!

Next thing I know, when I go back to my iPad, to my great dismay, the 2900hp and 1cp disappears. So I force restart the app. Nothing.

I go back to the android device I purchased the 2900hp. It also has disappeared. icon_e_sad.gif

I have dropped a ticket to CS and contacted the devs about this issue of mine. Just wanted to see if there's anyone else who experienced this.


  • Demiurge_Anthony
    Demiurge_Anthony Posts: 156 Tile Toppler
    Hey Deadpooool,

    This is a common problem when switching from one device to another really quickly. Before you move from one device to another, you need to make sure the game saves. This can be done by toggling checkboxes in the options menu, waiting a few minutes or completing a match (the safest method).

    The good news is that CS is able to track the purchase and give you back the HP/CP that you lost.

  • Stanley71
    Stanley71 Posts: 75 Match Maker
    Are you serious, Anthony? icon_eek.gif

    That "common problem" is the same issue as the legendary token exploit which you has fixed...

    Why is an exploit which gives you an advantage not fixed?

    Btw: I had this issue months ago. But it was a stark salary for 99€!
    And it took me more than 6 weeks to get my 20k HP!
    Of course I didn't get any compensation or even an excuse.

    Shame on you, Demiurge icon_e_sad.gif
  • Shulu
    Shulu Posts: 14
    I had the exact same issue this morning. I opened a support ticket and waiting to hear back.
  • Hey Deadpooool,

    This is a common problem when switching from one device to another really quickly. Before you move from one device to another, you need to make sure the game saves. This can be done by toggling checkboxes in the options menu, waiting a few minutes or completing a match (the safest method).

    The good news is that CS is able to track the purchase and give you back the HP/CP that you lost.


    Well that explains my HP disappearance on my iPhone switching over to iPad. Thankfully I sent out a message and hopefully getting the hp back! Thanks for the info! Won't be switching so fast next time I make a purchase!