Monetization Suggestions

I don't want this to sound like I'm complaining that stuff costs money. I love throwing some cash at f2p games I like! But I think there could be some fine tuning.

Like, the starter pack is $10. Um? The point of one-time offers in f2p games, I thought, was to get people comfortable spending money on your game. It's hard to imagine someone who isn't already comfortable with spending money on f2p impulsively throwing down 10 clams on non-retradeable, digital, in-game currency. The starter pack also overvalues XP, giving you LESS GOLD than the normal $10 option! So, it's not much of a deal to people already familiar with how the game (generously) distributes currency through the campaign.

Since there's no PvP yet, I don't know how you're going to attract "whales" to the game who are already OK spending tens or hundreds of dollars on premium f2p currency; they won't have anyone to show off to. So, I don't understand this choice in monetization overall.

There are better ways to get that first purchase. The successful Best Fiends ( makes its one-time starter pack $5: it offers MORE premium currency than the usual $5 option AND a heaping of regular currency. Pokemon Picross offer 2 one-time offers on its premium currency, Picrites: one for $1 and one for $4, each giving you 50% more Picrites than the equivalent regular offer. Nintendo used a similar pricing scheme for Pokemon Rumble World. I don't know where to get sales data on that, but anecdotally, I've known multiple people usually uncomfortable with f2p payments that bit the bullet from a combination of brand familiarity and low-priced options.

I suggest having one or two other one-time deals to replace the current one with lower prices, like $1 for 60 gold and/or $5 for 200 gold without XP. I feel that makes a lot more sense considering this is, as of now, a single player game (less whales) which is still getting card updates for the first set (meaning, people who spend for packs early are going to see more repeats than if they did so later; focusing on smaller purchases to get people invested in 'now' over 'later').