Chandra has an incorrect color identity?

This is something that struck me **** odd and I wanted to bring up

Each Planeswalker released so far has a Main color, 2 neutral colors, and 2 negative colors, which is reflected in the same way as MtG's Color Pie (Just as a quick intro, the Color Pie is a wheel which represents the relationship of the colors in Magic: the Gathering). The color pie is ordered as manawhite.pngmanablue.pngmanablack.pngmanared.pngmanagreen.png . After green it cycles back to white as it is a circle. Colors adjacent to each other are Ally colors which colors that aren't are Enemy colors. In this game, the Ally colors to the main color or your Planeswalker are your neutral matches, while the Enemy colors are your negative matches

However, this isn't the case with Chandra; her Main color is Red, but her secondary colors should be black and green (Red's ally colors). However, her secondary colors are Green and White, while Blue and Black are her negative colors. As a result, Chandra matches the same colors as Nissa does (Albeit with a different focus)

I didn't know where to post this, it is an oversight but I want to bring it up here as something that should be fixed since it's inconsistent. I checked the other 'walkers to see if there was another exception to no avail (I expected to find one in Gideon, seeing that he's a fairly red character, but that would just make 3 manawhite.pngmanagreen.pngmanared.png walkers).


  • Bump.
    I assumed it was just a story thing or something, but yeah, it's incorrect for the color wheel.
  • As a Chandra user myself, I thought this incredibly strange as well! i just chalked it up to some story element as well
  • majincob
    majincob Posts: 732 Critical Contributor
    This bothers me, it's out of place. icon_mad.gif
  • It's absolutely a mistake. It has the odd side effect of making Battlefield Forge much better than the other enemy color land cards, since the two enemy colors (red and white) are actually ally colors in this particular game.