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aesthetocyst Posts: 538 Critical Contributor
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  • atomzed
    atomzed Posts: 1,753 Chairperson of the Boards
    I voted no.(Sorry aes! Even though you are one of my fave forummite)

    Reason being that I rather see different abilities. And having Gold characters means that the skill sets are duplicated.

    For example, 4* venom. He has an interesting new mechanics which he modified enemy defence tiles.

    Rumor has it that the next spidey hero will also have a similar mechanics, and will modify enemy strike tiles.

    Moving away from good characters forces the dev to develop new game mechanics, like the modifier to special tiles.

    Its better for the game if dev no longer "upgrade" characters.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    as someone who came after the golden age was introduced, I can't imagine my transition roster without thor or cap. I'm glad they were there in their current form. it was comfortable after using 2* thor to have 3* thor as my first 3* damage dealer. I appreciate new mechanisms and all-different abilities much more now that I understand more about the game. but they didn't bother me and if they came out with a lazy 4* fist (been too long since their last purple/green user - we don't have enough of those), it wouldn't bother me that much. I can appreciate the roster slot cost aspect of not liking them - "if I have to pay that much to roster them, please make it something new and interesting". I think if they had 1 new character/month, I'd have much more fun and it wouldn't feel near as much like work.
  • Eichen
    Eichen Posts: 176 Tile Toppler
    I like having a beefed up Cap and Thor. My only complaint is that since it is the same character they should both work on the same essential node every single time.
  • Jam_Adams
    Jam_Adams Posts: 486 Mover and Shaker
    I came in just after the Lazy Age (Day 431 here). so I don't have the perspective as some other long time veterans.

    but I never minded the 3* characters. Daken, Thor, Cap and Torch all have good skill sets, so it was nice to have better versions of them. I would much rather have a better version of a good character than a new release end up being a joke like SL or Cho. but that doesn't have to be mutually exclusive. gold characters can be released right along side new characters with new mechanics. so i'm not choosing one or the other per se, but rather, it would be nice to have one with the other.

    Like was mentioned above, I greatly appreciate the twist on Cap's blueflag.png with the CD tile converting to a shield in his 3* version. that's pretty cool to get that little extra touch on the gold character.

    so I vote yes
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sorry, I said no because those characters were boring. Especially when the game was so new, it really WAS lazy to just take a 2*, buff it, and call it a 3*.
  • Berserk_Al
    Berserk_Al Posts: 411 Mover and Shaker
    I very much like the Golds. Having to leave my favorite characters behind after they cannot level up anymore is what kept me soft capped for long time.
    They could also use Gold to add more star.pngstar.pngstar.png characters without need for fanfare, and outside the game's current release calendar. Releasing 3 star versions of not only lv1 and 2 characters, but maybe of 4 and 5 would be really interesting
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    I voted yes, because I think gold characters were interesting, but flawed. Also, they released them way too close together, giving the impression that the devs were just plain out of ideas.

    3* Cap still stands out as an absolutely massive improvement over his 2* variant, even if the yellow skill is an over-costed waste in both versions.

    I still think it would have been more interesting to upgrade 2* characters to gold versions instead of having to use two roster slots for what feels like the same thing.

    In the end, though, I'd rather have well-designed new characters far more often than gold retreads -- I just don't think they need to be abandoned completely.
  • Blahahah
    Blahahah Posts: 738 Critical Contributor
    I voted yes for two reasons:

    1) I secretly hope for a 4* golden sentry

    2) Golden characters were a staple of my roster for the entire transition. For until recently, Daken was my only purple user, but I could rest easy knowing between him and Thor I'd never be without my rainbow.
  • XandorXerxes
    XandorXerxes Posts: 340 Mover and Shaker
    The "Championing" idea could easily be converted into a "Gold" idea. Instead of re-releasing a character, you invest X covers into the character that would eventually bump them up a * level. If I invest 13 Psylocke covers into Psylocke, suddenly she's level 166/270 with adjusted stats/level costs (and a flashy gold 4* icon). This would, I believe, cost more in iso (leveling 70-166 with a 4* is cheaper than with a 3*, if I recall correctly) and have an immediate effect of making the character weaker (assuming a level 166 4* relatively weaker than a 166 3*, related to 2*s being stronger than 3*s at level 94).

    That would probably affect balance somehow that I'm not foreseeing, likely what happens if a 4* "golds" up to a 5*, but it also gives 4*+ players more reasons to collect those covers they wouldn't otherwise need (until they hit another 13, at least). Maybe it takes more than 13. Maybe it's * dependent. I don't know, I'm spit-balling here.
  • puppychow
    puppychow Posts: 1,453
    Didn't vote. The point may become moot, depending on how the Champion mechanism goes. icon_twisted.gif
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    If they were interchangable on essentials then gold characters would be a good idea. But since they aren't, forcing you to roster both the 2 and 3* versions, they are just fail all around
    STOPTHIS Posts: 781 Critical Contributor
    By the time I got into the game I believe they had stopped with the gold characters. I can see why people would be annoyed early on though. Probably similar to the way people complain whenever there's a new Wolverine introduced, they want something new and/or different. However, I liked the gold characters and kind of wanted more. I wish 3* Iron Man was a gold character and not so useless. When they released the 1* Spider-Man, I hoped they would turn 3* into a gold version of that character. If 3* Storm was a gold version of 2*, people would love her. I'll take a buffed version of a solid move structure than risk getting another move set like Quicksilver, Vision, Richards, etc.
  • 2. Aes is completely NUTS! "Gold" characters always were—and always will be—a STUPID idea! On to the next thread....

    I voted no, but whats with the self-deprecating poll? icon_e_confused.gif

    A simple "no" would've sufficed.

    Anyway, Lazy is lazy, no matter how anyone tries to explain it away. New skill mechanics means a more varied way of playing the game. God knows just how boring with the grinding the game is becoming. A little refresher here and there (with new mechanics as an example) alleviates some of the boredom.
  • zeeke
    zeeke Posts: 153 Tile Toppler
    4* Gold OBW here we go again
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    fmftint wrote:
    If they were interchangable on essentials then gold characters would be a good idea. But since they aren't, forcing you to roster both the 2 and 3* versions, they are just fail all around

    A-freakin' men. Funny thing is.....on boss fights....they ARE interchangeable!

    On routine PVEs tho.....they insist on a 2, 3, and 4-star essential. Always 1 of each rarity.

    So far they havent trolled us and had an all-thor or all-wolvie set of essentials.....yet.
    What's even funnier is, when 3* Thor came out, Ice said they WOULD be interchangeable.
    Well we all know how this turned out.
  • Gold characters makes it easier to say goodbye to your old 2* mainstays when there's a better version out.

    The only 2* characters I had maxed out that I've cut since are Human Torch and Captian America, and I'd likely cut Thor as soon as I have more LazyThor Greens.

    If there was a Gold version of every 2* character, I may not be softcapping around level 95 anymore out of fear of losing my OBWs and MN!Mags which are still super useful to me.

    I'm still sad about my cut 1*s of Modern Black Widow and Hawkeye, who were both super useful way back when too. icon_e_sad.gif

    Gold characters are boring, but their familiarity does make picking them up, and cutting the old ones feel safe.
  • Eddiemon
    Eddiemon Posts: 1,470 Chairperson of the Boards
    Gold characters were horribly implemented, which was their downfall.

    First they should have been interchangeable as many have said. If they are just upgraded copies then I am only hanging onto the lesser variant for special requirements, which is a waste of resources. Each of my black widows has different roles for me because of their diverse mechanics, but my 2 star thor is water boy for my 3 star thor.

    Secondly they should have been upgradeable. A maxed 2 star plus a 3 star cover should have made a 2/1/1 3 star. By reusing the mechanics at a higher level you've rendered the 2 star completely obsolete. 2/1/1 is a step backwards in power from the maxed 2 star, but it's progress and a compromise.

    With those rules in place a gold character is no longer a money grab, but an upgrade path and a new game feature. You could then gold out more characters giving people a lot more covers to collect while actually experiencing progression. And you probably make the money you lose on roster slots back in the amount of extra cover packs people would buy trying to fill out their golds.
  • I'm with Aes!

    When the Golds were first released, I always thought that they'd be a natural mechanism for tier advancement. More powerful characters that drop right into the same team synergies that you've already invested in. An easy upgrade path from 2* to 3 (or 3* to 4) would be even better; maybe they could be balanced out by being just slightly under-powered than the front line characters for each tier.

    No reason to think that this still couldn't be the case. Given recent flops like Mr. F, Falcap, and Chulk, the opportunity cost of losing out on completely new slates of abilities seems low enough, especially with the 3Cap "new mechanics" model of gold characters.