Cpt Marvel passive triggers at the beginning of the wave

life_in_death Posts: 17 Just Dropped In
I was playing DDQ and after beating the first way, before neither me or the AI had a chance to make moves in the second wave (cage, cpt marvel and beast) I saw cpt marvel passive animation. I checked the enemy APs and they actually had 4 red APs they couldn't possibly have generated before (first wave were the iso8 enhanced goons... they generate purple blue and green right?)
I haven't attCked cpt. Marvel (she wasn't even on the front line, so it can't be the side effect of a cascade from the first wave, moreover cascades ends before the beginning of the wave)

Just to let you know, is no big deal, but since it seems now waves have some glitches I reported this one to help you find a solution, I know feedback is of great help


  • CNash
    CNash Posts: 952 Critical Contributor
    A theory is that this is due to a related bug with Survival nodes. Because the outcome of your turn is known immediately by the AI (the animation is just for show), it knows when your move will down the last remaining opponent, and occasionally it will get overzealous and swap in the next wave before all of the animations have resolved. If that wave includes a character with a passive move in the first position, and conditions for that move are met by the "spill-over" damage from a cascade, it will fire.

    It's most noticeable with Captain Marvel as the Big Enchilada battle where she's in the first position of wave 2 turns up quite frequently. I don't know if there are any other possibilities for triggering this effect - if the theory is correct, then moves like the Hulk's Anger or Daken's Pheromone Rage could trigger given the right conditions, but as far as I know they don't frequently appear in the first position of a Survival wave.
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've set off Deadpool's Life of the Party when my match damage ends a wave and I have attack tiles out.
  • SirLanik
    SirLanik Posts: 345 Mover and Shaker
    Upcoming Patch 91 appears to address this issue, which will be the first patch to go live in 2016.

    "What's better...
    - Passive abilities will once again fire consistently during Wave missions."