Weird Demolition bug

hesjingixen Posts: 215 Tile Toppler
So I got a really weird edge-case bug with Demolition today. I was playing in the Iso-8 PvE, and I believe my opponents were Bullseye, Daken, and a random Iso-8 guy. I used Demolition and the next turn, the computer matched a vertical purple 4 in a row that tagged a trap in it's column. The traps went off, killing the Iso-8 guy, Bullseye came to the front, the column dropped back in. Now comes the weird part. The column came in, containing another 4 in a row (column of yellow if it matters), and when they landed, it flashed the screen again like a trap had been matched (despite them all being gone), Bullseye died (he was at full health), Daken came to the front, the column landed, and life went on.

Now, I know there are some edge cases that happen with folks like Mystique and 2* Widow where, because their power do things on matches, weirdness happens with matches being made in mid-air and stuff. Now, I haven't seen that behavior with Bullseye, because normally it waits until the matches are done to trigger adamantium bones, so I'm not sure if this had to do with the double 4-in-row thing, where maybe the game had some data that still said traps were in that column, despite the traps being (visually) gone, but if it happened to me against Nick Fury, I know I'd be super pissed.


  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    If the opponent matches two traps at once, both traps trigger and the damage is applied consecutively.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    If the opponent matches two traps at once, both traps trigger and the damage is applied consecutively.
    And it is glorious.

    ... says the guy with a level 270 Nick Fury.