double taps

madok Posts: 905 Critical Contributor
edited December 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
I haven't really been on the receiving end of double taps since the stuck nodes bug in the anniversary events until today in the Chulk PVP. I got hit twice by two different people. I know it is frowned upon as not nice and I have taken steps to make sure I'm not doing it myself. It got me thinking though.

What does everyone do when they get double tapped?

Do you make a note of who it was to see if they do it again?

Do you just move on and let it slide because it's part of the game?


  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yet another reason all attacks should be against nameless teams.

    You see a 65/58 point matches vs 152/166/120...pretty easy if you have all maxed team, right? Should be your automatic default to attack, you shouldn't have to apologize for that and they shouldn't feel to bad about having the "weak" team out there this event that was hit a couple times. Kind of how PVP is supposed to be - survival of the fittest, the strong rise and the weak fall.

    But the polite "rules" of PVP don't allow for this, and then the weak sometimes rise. Or, the "rules" were not followed by folks that may not use "outside communication" to know about shields in natural running of event...this perceived "snipe" is then revenged against by alliance mates with double+ taps against the offender.

    I try very hard not to double tap. I don't pay attention to all names (or all individual alliances) and it might happen occasionally at the end of climbs, probably when I hit them 1st and 5th time, not really noting who it was. I've known folks who feel bad about it, but will double-tap for the points at the end. I try to run by the "rules" of PVP, and am not often double-tapped because of it...but I do take note of folks that do it and might hesitate less against retals. I don't keep a "hit" list from one event to the next, because I wouldn't enjoy playing the game with hate in my eyes/heart...but I know that some play it that way!

    If you didn't know who you were hitting, you wouldn't feel bad about it and they wouldn't feel the need for revenge since they can't see who hit them. Simple, elegant solution....
  • avs962
    avs962 Posts: 319 Mover and Shaker
    I kind of automatically remember a name if they hit me more than twice (unless it's a hop, then I curse all who hit me icon_lol.gif ). And although I use Line, work with others, and check most people; if you're worth points and beatable, you're getting hit. And I may hit you two, three, or however many times. Especially if it's late in my climb and a bit frantic. I'd expect the same thing if I were worth points and beatable: I'm going to get hit. You do what you have to do.

    I understand all the rules of pvp, how you do what's good for the slice, keep points high, whatever. I even play by those rules most of the time. But at the end of the day: this is a game. And the heading on the screen reads 'versus'. So there is no obligation to work together or give a rat's tinykitty about how another person does. So I have no right to be truly upset if anyone *dares* to hit me twice, and vice versa. Such is the MPQ life.
  • If I get hit twice it's because I stayed unshielded too high for too long.
  • beyonderbub
    beyonderbub Posts: 661 Critical Contributor
    I'm done playing nice. I've been double tapped for too many times in PVP with no means or desire to retaliate. Why would I waste my alliance's ISO and time on a vendetta against someone who doesn't care about etiquette or may not even realize they are double tapping. Forumites are aware of these unwritten rules. No one else is or cares
  • SnowcaTT wrote:
    Yet another reason all attacks should be against nameless teams.

    You see a 65/58 point matches vs 152/166/120...pretty easy if you have all maxed team, right? Should be your automatic default to attack, you shouldn't have to apologize for that and they shouldn't feel to bad about having the "weak" team out there this event that was hit a couple times. Kind of how PVP is supposed to be - survival of the fittest, the strong rise and the weak fall.

    But the polite "rules" of PVP don't allow for this, and then the weak sometimes rise. Or, the "rules" were not followed by folks that may not use "outside communication" to know about shields in natural running of event...this perceived "snipe" is then revenged against by alliance mates with double+ taps against the offender.

    I try very hard not to double tap. I don't pay attention to all names (or all individual alliances) and it might happen occasionally at the end of climbs, probably when I hit them 1st and 5th time, not really noting who it was. I've known folks who feel bad about it, but will double-tap for the points at the end. I try to run by the "rules" of PVP, and am not often double-tapped because of it...but I do take note of folks that do it and might hesitate less against retals. I don't keep a "hit" list from one event to the next, because I wouldn't enjoy playing the game with hate in my eyes/heart...but I know that some play it that way!

    If you didn't know who you were hitting, you wouldn't feel bad about it and they wouldn't feel the need for revenge since they can't see who hit them. Simple, elegant solution....

    I would not be opposed to anonymity in PVP.

    I'm currently in an alliance that has 3 groups, that's 60 players to keep track of so as to not hit or to check if they're shielding first, which is fair enough. Then there are other alliances which we have friendly truces with so there's another hundred plus players I can't hit, and some extra 'friendlies' like ex-alliance members. Then throw in some of the big dog alliances that I have to keep track of so that I don't hit them more than once or heaven forbid I be targeted by them and placed on some hit list.
    This may be okay to manage when lining up a couple of hop targets whilst shielded but when playing any extended run it's so much of a hassle. I know it's relatively simple to just check the alliance tag but it slows the flow and upsets the rhythm when you're trying to go as fast as possible. Also let's not forget the times when the little cluster of 5 or so targets you get stuck with despite skip-cycling through ad nauseam is made up of mostly 'untouchables'.

    I'd much prefer to simply look for decent points for a beatable team without any politics or adherence to unwritten rules.
  • Cartz
    Cartz Posts: 73 Match Maker
    It's all about getting as many points as possible as quickly as possible. Sorry but if you have a beatable team worth big points you're going to get double or even triple tapped if needs be. Why should I be left sitting unshielded trying to find another target I can beat if you are there unshielded. All that is going to do is leave more chances for me to be hit.

    If people want to coordinate and all that fine but don't get upset if someone who isn't part of the out of game communication hits you.
  • Magic
    Magic Posts: 1,199 Chairperson of the Boards
    I dont know if i am double tapped on purpose or not. I dont really care. I ignore the names of people who attacked me and i don't pay much attention to the name i am attacking.

    It's like in the game of basketball - fouls are part of it. So don't complain when you are fouled if the ref has whisled - it means it's working as intended (provided you are being called for fouls as well).

    On the matter - OP we were in one bracket this pvp i think (name seems familiar). I know i did hit you once (95% sure) and i know i did resist the hit on one ocassion not to double tap. But i am seldom that 'aware' of my opponent unless he is in my queue immidiately after last fight.

    If i did double tap you - sorry for that.
  • Cartz
    Cartz Posts: 73 Match Maker
    OJSP wrote:
    Cartz wrote:
    It's all about getting as many points as possible as quickly as possible. Sorry but if you have a beatable team worth big points you're going to get double or even triple tapped if needs be. Why should I be left sitting unshielded trying to find another target I can beat if you are there unshielded. All that is going to do is leave more chances for me to be hit.

    If people want to coordinate and all that fine but don't get upset if someone who isn't part of the out of game communication hits you.
    Don't get upset, if because of this comment, you're put in a permanent hit list.. icon_lol.gif

    icon_lol.gificon_lol.gif If that's how people want to play then go for it. I don't play much PvP anyway due to time restraints and it bores me.
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    I can't understand why this is such a contentious issue, it's very simple. If you are worth the points and you are unshielded then you can and should be hit.

    People take things way too seriously, being hit is part of the game. Being double tapped is part of the game. I don't even mind if everyone double taps me at the same time, it's part of the game.

    If I ever hit anybody more than once it's just because they had points, and I wanted them. Nothing personal, it's not any kind of grudge because I didn't know you're name before the match and I won't remember it afterwards.
  • I've been sworn to death because once, without noticing, I triple tapped someone. The team was weak and I was in a rush to finish my climb, I fought other targets in between and all I could see were the points.

    So even though it makes part of the game and all, know that some people will still not like it.
  • madok
    madok Posts: 905 Critical Contributor
    Magic wrote:
    On the matter - OP we were in one bracket this pvp i think (name seems familiar). I know i did hit you once (95% sure) and i know i did resist the hit on one ocassion not to double tap. But i am seldom that 'aware' of my opponent unless he is in my queue immidiately after last fight.

    If i did double tap you - sorry for that.

    Wasn't you so no worries. I wasn't even upset at the double tap. There was still a ton of time left in the event and it was off peak.

    I'm guessing I will probably see it more often now. Last season was the first time I was able to regularly hit 1K in most of the events. Now that I have Jeanbuster online I expect to hit 1K in each event and like has been stated people just put their heads down to hit that 1K and take the points where they can. The matchmaker not wanting to give more than 3 opponents also is a pain if you get a dry slice/bracket.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    it all depends on the situation. I try like heck to avoid knowingly DTing someone. however, I've done it twice in the past week:

    in earth's mightiest, finishing my initial push to 1st shield, I hit a big pt target. then came out of that match to the same guy's CC team. I thought, dang, I just messed that hop up for him. completed my push and shielded and then hopped an hour later. this guy was on my leaderboard so I checked before I hopped. shielded. finished my hop, back to the leaderboard. he was unshielded. well damn. then sent him a message through a 3rd party apologizing. he had been upset and I kinda understand that. he asked that I skip him the remainder of the event and I gladly did.

    in rock me. towards the end of my initial push to 1st shield. I tend to only hit 50+ pt matches, so towards the end the group of opponents the game gave me as options to hit became a group of ~5 guys that I had hit once already. skipped 20-30 times. closed the app and restarted. still same guys. gave up and hit one (this was second time on him - probably 30 minutes apart). that put me at 920 or so (very dry slice). so now I'm cycling through 3 names. 2 I've already hit once and 1 I've already hit twice. another 20-30 skips and same 3 cycle. I gave up and shielded. searched for an hour or so and came up with some big pt matches (no ccs) and actually played 4 matched in my next hop - up over 1200 pts.

    sometimes its purely accidental and sometimes the game ties your hands - you DT or don't play. I try like heck to avoid it though. last night of last season a guy really irked me triple tapping me in simulator, and these were back to back to back matches. i'll remember that name for a while, but not going out of my way to go hunt him down - got better things to do.
  • drcassino
    drcassino Posts: 141 Tile Toppler
    It's part of the game, but I think that the golden rule applies here. I hate getting double-tapped, so I do my best not to double-tap others. Similarly, I hate getting hit during a hop, so I do my best not to hit others when they're hopping. It doesn't take much extra effort to look at the names, and you're making sure not to ruin someone else's run, so why not play nicely?
    Also, top alliances do keep lists of double-tappers and snipers, and you don't want to be on those lists, so why risk it?
  • DC1972
    DC1972 Posts: 77 Match Maker
    Don't care about getting double tapped or single tapped. Everyone needs to get their points and not everyone has the time to Line check or wait 5 minutes for the target to shield. Only time I complain is after I lay out a cupcake. Then its tinykitty all over the alliance chat about the person who can't wait a couple of minutes before eating the cake. That definitely screws it up for everyone.
  • avs962
    avs962 Posts: 319 Mover and Shaker
    I agree with most of you, but I wanna add that it's important to remember the bulk of people that play the game like it was meant to be played: without Line. So when they play they don't care about names. Is it fair for them to be put on a hitlist because they happened to find the same person worth good points twice in a row? Just because someone in a top alliance takes the game too seriously, and has their feelings hurt? I admit it may be hard to discern who is a sniper, double tapping you for their own sadistic joy and who is just playing the game without outside communication, but I think it's important to remember.
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    madok wrote:
    What does everyone do when they get double tapped?

    I go "well, that certainly is a normal part of competitive play and not a reason to go making a complaint thread about 'etiquette' or some such drivel" and then keep playing.

    (note that I am not accusing the OP specifically of this)
  • Demolira
    Demolira Posts: 78 Match Maker
    Double taps are nothing
    During Nefarious Foes I was hit 6-7 times in a row by a person in an hour and 4-5 times by another within a few hours. I can see how my high point team was easy pickings for people with decently covered Old Man Logans, but my main question during that beating was how I was able to be queued so much by people with 300-400 points less than me.
  • Melevorn
    Melevorn Posts: 137 Tile Toppler
    avs962 wrote:
    ... it's important to remember the bulk of people that play the game like it was meant to be played: without Line. So when they play they don't care about names...
    For my 2 imcoin.png , I look at who's attacked me (especially multiple hits). If they're solo or from a random alliance I don't get too worked up, if they're from 5/7 Deadly Venoms or another end-game type alliance who know exactly what they're doing, I'll get annoyed.
    If they're from a friendly alliance, then I let one of their commanders know.

    Fortunately, it doesn't happen very often.
  • Funny thing is, you DO NOT need Line to check the ign and alliance name. That's how people always been avoiding hitting their own teammates.