Does matchmaking shift at certain point thresholds?

edited February 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
I admit I haven't been paying a super amount of attention to it, but it feels like my matchmaking shifts suddenly when I reach 600 points or so. Like up until that point, I'm only seeing weaker teams for 20 or so points at a time, with almost nobody over level 85. Suddenly as soon as I pass 600, I see much stronger teams and I get plundered by 4 or 5 of them. It feels like my matchmaking is restricted to a limited pool of opponents until I reach a certain level at which point I can see and be seen by pretty much everyone.

Anyone else notice this?


  • I've noticed that this seems to happen at certain thresholds as well. Not sure what the thresholds actually could be or if the game is just slow at catching up to a winning streak but it seems to be happening.