max level?

I can really use some help. Who are your top 5 characters to level up?


  • Eddiemon
    Eddiemon Posts: 1,470 Chairperson of the Boards
    Well that would depend on the point you are at in the game, which bits of the game you prefer and what I actually can level up due to covers.

    Silver surfer, old man Logan, Phoenix, hulk buster, iceman. Some might put Jean grey here but if I have 5*s I don't really need her as a deterrent.

    High end realistic
    Hulk buster, Jean grey, iron fist, any two others. Probably ice man and cyclops. But the first 3 rule the roost at the moment.

    PvE focused
    Prof X, scarlet witch, grey suit black widow, falcon, iceman.

    So you don't have the covers and cash for them...

    3 stars
    Patch, Loki, iron fist, cyclops, hulk
    Patch and hulk for hulk bombs, patch and Loki for saving on health packs and cyclops with iron fist is one of the strongest 3 star combos.

    2 stars
    OBW, wolverine, storm, magneto, cap
    Black widow is the strongest 2 star, and wolvies strike tiles boost her passive to. Storm and magneto give you a stun combo. Caps shields help a lot in PvE

    1 stars
    Iron man, black widow, juggernaught, nobody. Though you may be forced to level storm to have a usable character early
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    Eddiemon wrote:
    Well that would depend on the point you are at in the game, which bits of the game you prefer and what I actually can level up due to covers.

    Silver surfer, old man Logan, Phoenix, hulk buster, iceman. Some might put Jean grey here but if I have 5*s I don't really need her as a deterrent.

    High end realistic
    Hulk buster, Jean grey, iron fist, any two others. Probably ice man and cyclops. But the first 3 rule the roost at the moment.

    PvE focused
    Prof X, scarlet witch, grey suit black widow, falcon, iceman.

    So you don't have the covers and cash for them...

    3 stars
    Patch, Loki, iron fist, cyclops, hulk
    Patch and hulk for hulk bombs, patch and Loki for saving on health packs and cyclops with iron fist is one of the strongest 3 star combos.

    2 stars
    OBW, wolverine, storm, magneto, cap
    Black widow is the strongest 2 star, and wolvies strike tiles boost her passive to. Storm and magneto give you a stun combo. Caps shields help a lot in PvE

    1 stars
    Iron man, black widow, juggernaught, nobody. Though you may be forced to level storm to have a usable character early
    I'd have to suggest putting in Bullseye with Black Widow and Wolverine in the 2 star zone. Her low health is an issue that Bullseye's passive can help with. It does hurt her function slightly since he matches black stronger, and with even purple matches, placement is important to get her to match purple, or purposefully under-level Bullseye to make sure she steals purple.

    3 Star, throw in Patch, Daken, and Iron fist for passive sustained health and damage. Keep Daken and Patch higher level than Iron Fist, and they take (and heal) all the damage. Kamala Khan can make some teams stupidly hard to get through. Pair with Luke Cage for the free protect tile and Vision for the low cost of his abilities, and enemies will go mad trying to get through the wall of band aids.

    1 Star. Always liked Iron Man, Black Widow, and Storm. It's crazy what you can do with that 5 turn stun.
  • ArcanaMoon
    ArcanaMoon Posts: 72 Match Maker
    Honestly, i dont care about top 5 or meta at all, i just level what i want XD There are a lot of intresting and fun teams you can team up if you actually take your time to study their abilitys and sinergy, for example, i WANT to use this team:

    icon_punisher.pngicon_kamalakhan.pngicon_spiderman.png : for most of the people, Punisher is trash, however, i like it a lot, the game just give it to me and i was like "Fine i´ll take it" This team has a lot of Sinergy: icon_punisher.png Low-mid cost abilitys keep icon_kamalakhan.png passive healing all the time, while spiderman blue low cost do the same and keep the enemy at bay and give you the turns you need to finish it of. Aditionally, this team has A LOT of AoE damage, a massive burst from icon_kamalakhan.png while constant damage with AoE comming from icon_punisher.png just to be finished with punisher red. You can also change Spidy for icon_daken.png for a more ofensive variation and tank KK even more.

    This is just an example, however, this is just my, there will allways be a metagame and a top 5, but i dont care at all for that. Besides, is allways fun to imagen the face of the one you defeat with this kind of teams XD