Has to be a crafting system

It's pretty absurd if your looking for a few specific cards to have cracking packs as your only option. EVERY successful card game has other options, real magic has you buying or trading for singles, hearthstone and solforge have crafting systems. Today I cracked a fat pack and received ZERO blue cards which is the only deck I play out of 20 cards.


  • One suggestion would be to turn the problem of duplicates cards (having no benefit to users) and turn them into crafting "dust" to craft certain cards of uncommon rarity and below. So the rare and mythic cards can still be monetized.
  • I agree with the halfnhalf about duplicates being useless at the current moment. I had thought there would be a crafting system or a way to make use of duplicates but currently, they are just rotting away in my inventory. Hope this is solved in the future.
  • They said that they were going to add something to do with duplicate cards.
  • Agreed, halfnhalf a dust system would be nice. Maybe even allowing one to either convert the dust into a card/color of your choice or dust/cards can be broken down into a modest amount of duel points to ease the planeswalkers leveling grind.