Sacrifice Objective Bugged

Rootbreaker Posts: 396
I just had a battle against Embermaw Hellion in the story, where one of the objectives is to lose 8 or more creatures during a single fight. I did that, or at least 6 or 7. Some were my creatures with aggressive attacking, some were attacked by my opponent's creatures with aggressive. In the after screen, it only gave me credit for 2 creatures dying.


  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    Someone noted it on Tuesday, but it fell off the main page. I'm glad people are pointing out stuff like this, as it makes objective farming less frustrating.
  • Yup, I've given up on the Sacrifice objectives. It only seems to register every other creature dying, or less, so in order to beat a "lose 8 creatures" objective you need to lose somewhere between 10 and 20 creatures in my experience.

    Overall, I don't find these objectives fun at all. It's a lot of stalling. But these and the "kill opposing creatures" ones are the worst since it doesn't register correctly.
  • This objective works for me; however, if you use your hero power to kill your own creature (let's say by Lelianna's corrupt ability) then it will not register.
  • majincob
    majincob Posts: 732 Critical Contributor
    I have found that it registers a loss when my creature is attacking and runs into the other creature, but am not 100% sure it registers every time. My defenders dying never register, need to rethink my decklist to complete these objectives.
  • I already solved this objective, it's not creatures lost, it's creatures from the opponent defeated. Stupid bug...
  • it's creatures from the opponent defeated
    EDIT: But you seem to be half right (just tested) as the count also ticks up when you lose a creature by killing an enemy creature (hence "Sacrifice"?), but just feeding (token and non-token) enemies doesn't seem to register unless they take the enemy creature with them.
    EDIT2: It also counts if the enemy uses the spell "Fiery Conclusion" (destroy one of your creatures to deal 5 dmg to an opponent's creature)
  • Are you saying that if you sacrifice to defeat a creature from the opponent it counts twice? Else it's the same as just killing enemy without killing yours.
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    The objective counts opponent creatures killed, not how many of your creatures died. You can kill enemy creatures with spells or in combat and get the same result.