MPQ At Miles Morales & Venom!



  • Dwarfsteel
    Dwarfsteel Posts: 55 Match Maker
    Anyone else catch the tid-bit at the end in reference to the new feature they're rolling out? Any speculation as to what this might be? Doesn't sound like a solution to anything most people have been griping about as of late (i.e. 20 iso, exploits, token issues, useless covers, crafting of some sort, etc, etc)

    "After the holidays, we’re planning on unveiling a new feature in the game that we’re excited to share. We’re still working out some of the final kinks now, so the wrapping paper won’t come off quite yet, but I’m definitely looking forward to using some of the heroes I hadn’t used in a while in new ways and team ups!"
  • The Viceroy Returns
    The Viceroy Returns Posts: 492 Mover and Shaker
    It could be a task-like system.
    Stuff like "Win with 3 star Spider-man X times" or "Use 2 star Bullseye's overcosted Black Murderous Aim X times" or "Win with a team of only X-Nen X times" type of thing.
    Completing them gives you ISO and hopefully HC/covers/CP/etc. Hopefully even 4 star covers.
    In theory, if I could eventually get a 4 star cover for using under-powered characters to complete several tasks like these, that would make me keep them for sure.

    Many freemium games have a feature like this (for example there's a decent Square Enix one called Heavenstrike Rivals that does this, as well as Hearthstone). Many also have some sort of crafting system to trade in garbage for stuff the Player actually wants. Hearthstone dust basically. Crafting systems are great because what is "trash" is all relative and on a player to player basis, so everyone can use it to its fullest wherever they are in the content acquisition progression and still fell like they are getting something out of it.

    I'm somewhat shocked that neither of these systems are in this game.
    If this new feature isn't one or both of these, the disconnect between what the players want and what the devs think the players want is so wide I doubt it can ever be reached.
    Kind like how we never indicated we wanted anything like Team Ups, and then they just showed up one day out of nowhere (and full of bugs and incomplete implementation; like how you couldn't delete them).

    A man can dream right?