Lower Level Ceilings for Normal Mode PvE Scaling

NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
So I'm currently at the point where my normal mode enemies range from 150-230, and I've seen many forum posts reporting how almost all of their normal mode missions are nearing 230. This is very discouraging to the player because it makes them feel like they're being punished for simply having a leveled roster and playing the game, since lowbies face far easier enemies and have a far easier time with the event (viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3628) than veterans. While it makes sense that the devs want the PvE events to be challenging for all sorts of players, I personally am not having fun grinding high level missions all the time.

My proposal is this: have a lower level cap for normal mode's level scaling. Hard mode is more okay with this absurd level of scaling (since hard mode is supposed to be hard), but make normal mode a lot easier so that veterans can feel like their time and commitment to the game actually helps them through these events instead of punishing them. Have the fights in normal mode scale up to 100-150ish so that we don't have to boost in order to be guaranteed a win. I personally view PvE as a time to farm iso, and constantly having to fight level 200s in normal mode to farm my iso just doesn't feel good.


  • If I had to guess (and play devil's advocate), they still want the lowbies to have a chance to place in the top 10 of the main event. So, they discourage the upper tier from steamrolling the easy subs by letting them scale into the 200's.

    Also, the reward structure of the subs is more geared towards low-mid tier players who still need heroic token pulls to fill out their rosters. The ISO and HP rewards are all pretty similar (low) from 1-45.

    So, if a mid-upper tier player is getting 'boxed out' of some of these subs, it's not the worst thing in the world.