2 words - shuffle button

edited February 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
I get sick of having 1 move then the board resets for the AI to nail me with endless cascades and criticals. Make it to where once a match you can shuffle the board, or have it count as a turn or something. For some reason, maybe I am unlicky, but it has been happening a lot lately especilly in the simulator.


  • What's your usual team? It strikes me that one way to have that experience (besides bad luck) is to go up against teams with good synergy, and possibly over-high levels as well.

    If you want to do denial-attacks on the AI yourself, Modern Black Widow is the best one-star character, and Original Black Widow the best two-star -- you're looking for stun and AP-stealing, basically (healing also helps).
  • 141 IM40,112 spidey, 96 patch, several 85s. it' not really a matter of synergy as it is there are no moves available on the board so i have to make the highlighted move then the board does a self-reset leaving the AI with some awesome set up.
  • I know this isn't the best solution, but try running a hero with the ability to shuffle the board up a bit. The most obvious candidate is Loki, but others exist - Hulk, Juggernaut, Storm*, Storm**, Magneto**, Magneto***, Punisher.. basically anyone with major tile destruction. Especially 3* Widow, but her abilities are pretty heavy on the costs to make prominent use out of.
  • i have all of those but may not have AP or the match just begins. i'm just saying a 1 time shuffle would be nice. less likely to throw my phone when i'm getting r%p*d by the AI.
  • radiopy
    radiopy Posts: 326 Mover and Shaker
    kevind722 wrote:
    I get sick of having 1 move then the board resets for the AI to nail me with endless cascades and criticals. Make it to where once a match you can shuffle the board, or have it count as a turn or something. For some reason, maybe I am unlicky, but it has been happening a lot lately especilly in the simulator.

    Count for a turn? You mean...you make a move and it shuffles, costing you a turn?
  • 1 word - no.

    That defeats the purpose of shuffle-like abilities.

    Too expensive you say? 2 AP is really too expensive?
  • I'd like that shuffling as an unlimited alternate move option. Shuffle the board similar to the auto-shuffle when there is no valid move (guaranteeing there is no auto-match), ends turn. Sort of like a skip button, except that it changes the overall setup so that two human players playing against each other wouldn't feel compelled to skip indefinitely under some special conditions. Can get you out of tight spots (e.g. if the only available move will cause you to trigger a suspected Daredevil trap), at the cost of not gaining any AP this turn and potentially granting the opponent access to a much better layout. Shuffle-like abilities still have a purpose, e.g. using Loki may result in one or more matches and doesn't end your turn.
  • I would say no to the shuffle button unless there is a cost. And you already have a shuffle button...Loki's purple is one of the best board shuffles! And he's a good friend to patch too. Part of the strategy is limiting matches and denying colors...shuffle is a get out of jail free card? Now if there was an appropriate cost...like...

    Shuffle entire board (like Loki's purple color)
    Costs 50% of your everything in your color pool and ends your turn.
  • Moral
    Moral Posts: 512
    CStorm and Hulk with their tile destruction also effectively shuffle the board.

    Punisher to a lesser extent.
  • user311
    user311 Posts: 482 Mover and Shaker
    I have to agree with others agains the shuffle. Sorry. I think that the core of this game is that it is a strategy game. When I look at the board I know that the computer is always going to pick a for in a row over a color match that it needs, even if that results is low damage. Theres also situations where I see several potential moves and I have to decide which one I think the computer will benefit most from and take it from them. I think that players just need work more this way and anticipate the opponent rather than shuffle the whole board. There are these circumstances where you only have one move and it is match your weakest colors. That sucks, even more then the falling tiles fill the opponents needs, but thats why it lets us see their AP so that we can try to prevent it from stacking up.
  • I miss the feature from original PQ where you could make an erroneous move on purpose, suffer a small hitpoint penalty, and then it was the AI's turn. That way you could save yourself from making the obviously unfortunate moves. But then again a lot of misclicking and mistapping could happen. I play on PC mostly and I wouldn't mind the option.
  • A shuffle button exists. It's labeled Retreat
  • kevind722 wrote:
    I get sick of having 1 move then the board resets for the AI to nail me with endless cascades and criticals. Make it to where once a match you can shuffle the board, or have it count as a turn or something. For some reason, maybe I am unlicky, but it has been happening a lot lately especilly in the simulator.

    If it costs you a turn, how is it any different than you being forced to take that one move available and then the board autoshuffling? Least you get something from making the match.
  • Kyosokun wrote:
    kevind722 wrote:
    I get sick of having 1 move then the board resets for the AI to nail me with endless cascades and criticals. Make it to where once a match you can shuffle the board, or have it count as a turn or something. For some reason, maybe I am unlicky, but it has been happening a lot lately especilly in the simulator.

    If it costs you a turn, how is it any different than you being forced to take that one move available and then the board autoshuffling? Least you get something from making the match.

    Uh-oh, sometimes the only match there is one I don't want as it creates a 4 or 5 match for the opponent if taken. If I could pass it to the opponent even at some price and he took it I'd be ahead.
  • No, there should be a skip turn button. Stick the ai with that bad move. This happens to me all the time, usually right after the CPU gets a crazy cascade, and after I make that bad move, they get another cascade! Too many CPU cascades!
  • Nonce Equitaur 2
    Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
    Typhon13 wrote:
    No, there should be a skip turn button.

    I rather like that idea. It would be an option under Retreat, of course -- Skip Turn.
  • I don't think there should be any skip turn or shuffle at the expense of your turn, and the reason being that you can keep your damage soaker up front even when there is no more matches for them to stay out front. For example, keeping Hulk out front at the times, even without his matches, when big damage comes will generate plenty of green and some of the games best abilities are linked to green. This mechanic is just to exploitable for it to be worth implementing. So nay on this.
  • Thanos
    Thanos Posts: 722 Critical Contributor
    Loki is my favorite character. I cant count how many times Loki's illusions has saved my bacon. Best ability in the game IMO.
  • jojeda654
    jojeda654 Posts: 1,162 Chairperson of the Boards
    "Loki is my favorite character"

  • Thanos
    Thanos Posts: 722 Critical Contributor
    jojeda654 wrote:
    "Loki is my favorite character"


    Heh, in this game of course. icon_e_wink.gif