Open Letter to Cheaters and D3:

The rockett
The rockett Posts: 2,016 Chairperson of the Boards
edited December 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Dear Cheaters,
Let me be the first one in the MQU community to welcome you back with open arms out of the sandbox. We are extremely excited to see that you are able to play this game again. It is a great thing to see that D3 will be able to forgive you and we can all move forward. I just really have 1 question. How much money did it take for you to get out of the sandbox? I am hoping we all have a base line going forward so we know that we can cheat and turn to the dark side, but know if we spend X we will be fine. Because we all know that if it effects the bottom line of D3, they will bend their own rules. So please let us know and welcome back. So excited.

Dear D3,
I would like to say that it is a great thing to let known cheaters back into the MPQ community. This is a great way to prove to the MQU community that you have morels, trust, standards, integrity and the wiliness to do the right thing in this situation. While this has been going on for some time now, these proven cheaters, have won PVE and PVP events. So they knocked legit MPQ players out of the higher rankings for lesser awards. Not only in normal events, but in major 4* releases. So my question is this. If you had an employee steal from your office, would you fire them or give them another chance? In my business, they would be fired, no questions about it. So these people didn’t steal directly from D3, the STOLE from the MPQ community. So what happens to these people, you “scale” them back and let them back in. That makes total sense to me. Why you would want to cut off the cheaters that are spending all this money? In fact, you are double dipping. Not only did you get their money to start, they will be probably spend again!! So this is a total win for the D3 P&L/bottom line/investors/end of year bonus. WOW!!! This is a perfect way to increase your revenue stream. Now a lot of people have been asking for compensation for the major affect this had on PVE and PVP rankings. Here is my thought. You will probably give out something to all players for this. The funny part is that the cheaters are probably going to get this at well. So if you give out LT tokens, wouldn’t it be funny if the cheaters cheat again with this. That would be karma coming back to you tenfold. In closing, I would like to say Thank You for your absolute concern for the entire MPQ community in your decision. We all think it is the right thing to do. Protect the bottom line. That is a more important than doing the RIGHT THING!!!

Thank You,
The Rockett


  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    Firstly I'll start by saying I understand the frustration the community has about this. However I think D3 are doing the right by reviewing each on a case by case basis. Not everyone is a complete cheater, I don't know anyone who has used the exploit so maybe I don't know for sure but I'd wager some of the people who used the exploit tried it just to see if it worked. While some others will have hammered it.

    Should the people who tested it suffer the same punishment as those who hammered it? In my opinion no. The punishment should fit the crime.

    Also, these people are being punished, it's not like they get away scot free. Should the punishment be tougher? That is debatable but they are being punished. It's my personal (and professional) opinion that it would be far more effective to simply reward all the people who didn't cheat as reward is a better modifier of behaviour than punishment (Case in point see Sweden correctional system). People work far harder to get a reward than they do to avoid punishment.

    I'm actually not bothered if D3 allow them out of the sandbox so they can drop another 10-20k getting their roster back to the same place it is now after their account gets nerfed - because those idiots are helping to keep the game live.
  • ah yes, another passive agressive jab at the devs

    truly, a post we've all been waiting for
  • aesthetocyst
    aesthetocyst Posts: 538 Critical Contributor
    edited December 2015
    Until the OP demonstrates that he is privy to the communications between the devs and boxed players (and the OP clearly indicates he isn't), he's just indulging unwarranted assumptions and projection. Not doing himself or anyone else any good ... in his self-righteous zeal, if fails to make himself sensible! (The right thing is more important than doing the right thing? Come again? New to sarcasm? Consistency is key.)

    Also, I too am glad the devs have a thing for morels, and were able to find some. They are quite tasty and good for ya, but elusive!

  • Der_Lex
    Der_Lex Posts: 1,035 Chairperson of the Boards
    Until the OP demonstrates that he is privy to the communications between the devs and boxed players (and the OP clearly indicates he isn't), he's just indulging unwarranted assumptions and projection. Not doing himself or anyone else any good.

    Also, I too am glad the devs have a thing for morels, and were able to find some. They are quite tasty and good for ya, but elusive!


    The OP is right, it is pretty wily of them to bring morels. Every good video game needs mushrooms, after all.
  • Magic
    Magic Posts: 1,199 Chairperson of the Boards
    It all doesn't matter if the issue is not fixed permanently. And it seems it won't be if it was exploited for over 2 years (sic!).
  • Kazim396
    Kazim396 Posts: 5 Just Dropped In
    I happen to share the poster's distaste for how this matter is being handled, and am outraged that there is nothing being done for the honest players who were cheated.

    That being said, the morels joke was really...tasty.
  • puppychow
    puppychow Posts: 1,453
    Kazim396 wrote:
    I happen to share the poster's distaste for how this matter is being handled, and am outraged that there is nothing being done for the honest players who were cheated.

    That being said, the morels joke was really...tasty.

    Here you go! Your first up vote! I hope you find it... tasty. icon_lol.gif
  • JamieMadrox
    JamieMadrox Posts: 1,798 Chairperson of the Boards
    Three things.

    First, with regards to the response from D3, I'm not happy either. I think they all should have been sandboxed regardless. That said, at least SOMETHING is being done.

    Second, on the topic of compensation, you don't get rewarded for not stealing a car that is left running on the street. Why should you get rewarded for not using an exploit that you did or did not know about? The knee jerk reaction that every issue deserves compensation is ludacris. Your reward for being an honest player is that you get to keep playing.

    Third, as a mod, there are already two official topics for the exploit. Please post in one of those.
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