Card Listing

Posts: 169 Tile Toppler
Anyone up for helping create a card listing for current cards obtainable in the game? I'd be willing to take time to create it with user submitted data on missing cards and potentially update with complete card details. Eventually move it to "tips and guides."
I'm sitting at 139 unique cards with multiple in each rarity. Anyone have more to compare lists?
I'm sitting at 139 unique cards with multiple in each rarity. Anyone have more to compare lists?
I have 194 unique cards. I'll post the mythics and rares I got (Edit: list is done for now).
Archangel of Tithes 18 mana MYTHIC
Creature - Attacker
Whenever a creature your opponent controls attacks, gain 2 mana.
Relic Seeker 12 mana RARE
Creature - Attacker
Renown 1
When this creature deals damage to a Planeswalker, if it is Renowned, give your first creature +1/+2.
Vryn Wingmare 12 mana RARE
Creature - Attacker
All Spells and Support have their mana cost increased by 3.
Hallowed Moonlight 12 mana RARE
Destroys each Token creature.
Suppression Bonds 6 mana RARE
The first creature your opponent controls is Disabled.
Sigil of the Empty Throne 14 mana RARE
When you cast a Support other than this one, summon 1 4/4 Angel with Flying.
Disciple of the Ring 20 mana MYTHIC
Creature - Attacker
Activate 5: The first card your opponent controls loses 4 mana. DotR gains +4/+4 until the beginning of your next turn and the first creature with Defender or Reach your opponent controls is disabled until the end of your turn.
Day's Undoing 6 mana MYTHIC
Both players move all the cards from their hands to their libraries. The libraries are then shuffled.
Both players draw 5 cards.
All cards in your hand gain 3 mana.
Alhammarret, High Arbiter 16 mana RARE
Creature - Attacker
When this card enters the battlefield, all cards in your opponent's hand have their mana cost increased by 6 until the beginning of your next turn.
Harbinger of the Tides 10 mana RARE (this card is nuts)
Creature - Attacker
When this creature enters the battlefield, target creature your opponent controls on the battlefield is returned to its owner's hand and it costs 9 more.
Soulblade Djinn 12 mana RARE
Creature - Attacker
When you cast a Spell, your other creatures gain +2/+2 until end of turn.
Willbreaker 12 mana RARE
Creature - Attacker
When you cast a Spell or Support, gain control of the first creature your opponent controls and give it haste until the end of your turn.
Displacement Wave 14 mana RARE
Return all creatures in the battlefield to their owner's hand.
Turn to Frog 9 mana RARE
Target creature is destroyed and is replaced by a 1/1 blue Frog creature.
Jace's Sanctum 6 mana RARE
At the beginning of your turn, your opponent loses 3 mana.
Demonic Pact 21 mana MYTHIC
At the beginning of your turn, every creature your opponent controls takes 2 damage, your opponent takes 1 damage, your opponent's last card is Destroyed and you draw 1 card.
When this Support is destroyed, you take 10 damage and the first 2 cards in your hand are Destroyed.
Despoiler of Souls 12 mana RARE
Creature - Attacker
When this creature is destroyed, if you have a card with at least 3 mana, you lose 3 mana and this creature is Returned to the battlefield.
Kothophed, Soul Hoarder 14 mana RARE
Creature - Attacker
When one of your opponent's creatures is destroyed, draw 1 and take 1 damage.
Molten Vortex 21 mana MYTHIC
When you match 3 or more gems, deal 2 damage to your opponent.
When you match 3 or more gems, you are drained of 4 mana.
Abbot of Keral Keep 15 mana RARE
Creature - Attacker
When this creature enters the battlefield, draw 1 card. It gains 6 mana.
When this creature enters the battlefield, destroy 1 block of 3x3 gems.
Embermaw Hellion 16 mana RARE
Creature - Attacker
Trample, Berserker
Whenever a Red creature you control deals damage, the target takes 3 extra damage.
Pia and Kiran Nalaar 17 mana RARE
Creature - Attacker
When this creature enters the battlefield, summon 4 1/1 Thopters with Flying.
Activate 1 Red: Destroy the first support you control and deal 5 damage to your opponent.
Scab-Clan Berserker 19 mana RARE
Creature - Attacker
Haste, Berserker
Renown 3
Whenever your opponent casts a Spell or a Support, your opponent takes 3 damage.
Exquisite Firecraft 6 mana RARE
Deal 6 damage to target creature or Planeswalker.
Ravaging Blaze 6 mana RARE
Deal 4 damage to target creature.
If there are 8 or more Red gems on the board, deal 4 damage to your opponent.
Gaea's Revenge 23 mana MYTHIC
Creature - Attacker
Haste, Hexproof
Evolutionary Leap 21 mana MYTHIC
Activate 1 Green: The first creature you control is Reinforced.
Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen 14 mana RARE
Creature - Defender
Activate 1 Green: Each of your creatures gain +1/+1 and you gain life equal to the amount of creatures you control.
Herald of the Pantheon 7 mana RARE
Creature - Attacker
When this creature enters the battlefield, each Support in hand gains 3 mana.
Whenever you cast a Support, gain 3 life.
Honored Hierarch 6 mana RARE
Creature - Attacker
Renown 1
Activate 3 Green: If Honored Hierarch is Renowned, gain 5 mana.
Managorger Hydra 8 mana RARE
Creature - Attacker
Whenever any player casts a Spell, this creature gains +1/+1.
Outland Colossus 15 mana RARE
Creature - Attacker
Renown 6
Zendikar's Roil 9 mana RARE
When you match 4 or more Green gems, spawn 2 2/2 Green Elemental.(Artifact)
Mage-Ring Responder 15 mana RARE
Creature - Attacker
This creature Can't Attack.
When you match 5 gems or more, this creature can attack until the end of your turn.
When this creature attacks, the first creature your opponent controls takes 7 damage.
Orbs of Warding 14 mana RARE
Whenever you take damage, gain 2 life.
Sword of the Animist 7 mana RARE
The first creature you control gains +2/+2 and destroys a 3x3 gem block when it attacks.0 -
RARE: Gideon's Phalanx.
Class: Spell Card.
Effect: Summon 4 2/2 Knights with Vigilance.
Effect: If there are 8 or more White gems, all your creatures gain Prevent Damage until the end of your turn.
Cost: 21 Mana.
RARE: Knight of the White Orchid.
Stats: 6/6
Class: Creature - Defender.
Ability: Defend.
Effect: When this creature enters the battlefield, convert 5 gems to White.
Cost: 16 Mana.
RARE: Sigil of the Empty Throne.
Class: Support Card.
Effect: When you cast a Support other than this one, summon 1 4/4 Angel with Flying.
Cost: 14 Mana.
RARE: Soulblade Djinn.
Stats: 6/5
Class: Creature - Attacker
Ability: Flying.
Effect: When you cast a Spell, your other creatures gain 2/2 until the end of your turn.
Cost: 12 Mana.
RARE: Talent of the Telepath
Class: Spell Card
Effect: Pick 1 of the next 3 cards in your library; draw it. It gains 6 mana.
Cost: 5 Mana.
RARE: Herald of the Pantheon
Stats: 4/4
Class: Creature - Attacker
Effect: When this creature enters the battlefield, all Support class cards in your hand gain 3 mana.
Effect: Whenever you cast a Support, you gain 3 life.
Cost: 7 Mana.
RARE: Kothophed, Soul Hoarder
Stats: 6/6
Class: Creature - Attacker
Ability: Flying
Effect: When one of your opponent's creatures is destroyed, take 1 damage and draw 1 card.
Cost: 14 Mana
RARE: Fetid Imp
Stats: 1/8
Class: Creature - Attacker
Ability: Flying
Effect: Activate 3 Black. Fetid Imp gains Deathtouch and Reach until the beginning of your next turn.
Cost: 12 Mana.
RARE: Abbot of Keral Keep
Stats: 6/5
Class: Creature - Attacker
Effect: When this creature enters the battlefield, draw 1 card; it gains 6 mana.
Effect: When this creature enters the battlefield, destroy 1 block of 3x3 gems.
Cost: 15 Mana0 -
Awesome man I've been trying to work on an imgur album of my current card list but mobile and app imgur are straight up black mana evil.
I've been waffling between focusing on Gideon and Nissa and was currently leaning toward Gideon but seeing some of those green cards... Tough choice now.0 -
As always, there are pros and cons. If you go Gideon /
, a well built
deck is going to crush you. Same for Nissa, a well built
will destroy you before you can take them down halfway. But Nissa can take out
if you're smart, etc.
0 -
Nissa's rares/mythics are very boring.
Activate 1 is almost entirely useless unless you have extremely good board clear (that mythic support that gives +3 and clears 3x3 block is good for this). Also realize that you have to pay the equivalent of a mythic card in order to delay by one turn to MAYBE get a reinforce.
Gaia's revenge is an alright card but only barely more efficient than commons. The hexproof is nice until you realize that it doesn't affect AoEs, nor does it affect supports like Claustrophobia (I believe). It also doesn't affect berserk creatures tearing this card a new one. The simple Iroas's Champion with any equips or buffs will one shot it and walk away like nothing happened.
Demonic Pact is a game ender by itself if you can get it out in-4 turns. It (along with Restraint/Claustrophobia) is the only reason I have Demolish in my decks.
Blue's rares and mythics are out of this world. Herald of the Tides has my award for most bull****, despite it not even being the "best" card out there. Mizzium Meddler immediately shuts down every single AI because it doesn't know how to play around it. VS humans, it is much worse, but then you realize it is a 4/7 for 9 just baseline, and it is a solid card even without an effect. Disciple of the Ring is a monster of a fatty that I've been able to pump to 23/22 the turn it comes out...not to mention draining all mana from the first card each turn. Combined with any other lockdown it is the only creature blue needs to just completely stomp anything.
Green is a joke...its creatures are worse than Red/Blue/White and it has zero board control, and no bounce, DD, or regenerate.0 -
Card List updated 12-21-2015
It's not pretty, but here is a list with every card I have come across so far, as well as what is listed in this thread. I have also added the new cards from 12/16's Update. I have also listed the Multi-Color cards under the colors that they can be used under as well as its own Tab. 225 Total Cards are listed so far. If you happen to notice anything wrong or have any to add, please do let me know. Thanks ... sp=sharing0 -
Good stuff. I'll add the rest of mine after work this evening.0
Adding a few more colorless cards:
- Mythic
Hangarback Walker
25 mana - Creature - 8/8
Whenever you match 3 gems or more, summon a 1/1 Thopter with Flying.
When this creature is destoryed, summon 8 1/1 Thopters with Flying.- Rare
Helm of the Gods
7 mana - Spell
If you control 3 or more Support, target creature gains +3/+3 and First Strike.0 -
Infinite Obliteration 12 mana MYTHIC
Destroy the first and last creature in your opponent' s hand.
Graveblade Marauder 15 mana rare
Creature – Berserker
When this creature deals combat damage to a planeswalker, your opponent takes 5 damage.
Unholy Hunger 8 mana rare
Destroy target creature.
If there are 8 or more black gems on the board gains 2 life
Mizzium Meddler 9 mana rare (awesome card)
Creature - Attacker
When your opponent matchs 3 or more gems the first card in your opponents hand loses 3 mana an the last card in your opponent’s hand gains 3 mana
4/70 -
Tragic Arrogance MYTHIC -- 21(?) mana
You choose a creature you control and a creature your opponent controls. Destroy all other creatures.
BTW, I think this card is ****Really expensive, still leaves your opponent with a dude, and does nothing vs. an opponent with 1 really strong creature.
0 -
Nissa's Revelation 19 mana MYTHIC
Draw 5 cards. Gain 20 life.
Joraga Invocation 14 mana RARE
All your creatures gain +6/+6 until the beginning of your next turn.
Kytheon's Irregulars 14 mana RARE
Creature - Defender
Renown 3
Activate 1 White: The first creature with Defender or Reach your opponent controls is Disabled until the end of your turn.
:artifact / colorless:
Rogue's Passage 12 mana RARE
At the beginning of your turn, the first creature you control gains Unblockable until the end of your turn.0 -
Slyli wrote::greenflag:
Nissa's Revelation 19 mana MYTHIC
Draw 5 cards. Gain 20 life.
damn that is pretty op0 -
Boggart Brute 11 Mana UNCOMMON
Creature - Attacker
I specifically added this one as the card says it has the "Menace" ability but I don't think Menace is actually working.
"Menace: This creature can only be blocked by 2 or more creatures." Not really sure how that would translate into Mtg:PQ unless it would mean that it would have to be blocked by a creature that has been Reinforced?0 -
ImBrotherCain and I have a spreadsheet we maintain that has all the cards we've collected in it. I see many cards in this thread that are missing but we continuously update as we obtain new cards. ... sp=sharing0 -
Pyromancers goggles-mythic
Cost- 25 support
Activate 1: place the next spell in your library into your hand. You may cast that spell for free0 -
Sorry the forums are bit clunky so I didn't catch the user's name. Just a quick comment.
"Gaia's revenge is an alright card but only barely more efficient than commons. The hexproof is nice until you realize that it doesn't affect AoEs, nor does it affect supports like Claustrophobia (I believe). It also doesn't affect berserk creatures tearing this card a new one. The simple Iroas's Champion with any equips or buffs will one shot it and walk away like nothing happened."
I've played all the way with Nissa to the end of the storyline and the hexproof stops everything even AOE effects iirc. I stops claustrophobia and even Planeswalker abilities that affect opponents creatures. On the other hand, you are right that hexproof is not quite as good as it seems. However, pumping your Gaia's Revenge can be quite good against a heavy spell or support deck. Honestly, I found the regenerating troll to be better with the proper supports.
Dharmaserf0 -
Orly? Well thats good news.
The troll is fantastic btw.0 -
madsalad wrote::redflag:
Boggart Brute 11 Mana UNCOMMON
Creature - Attacker
I specifically added this one as the card says it has the "Menace" ability but I don't think Menace is actually working.
"Menace: This creature can only be blocked by 2 or more creatures." Not really sure how that would translate into Mtg:PQ unless it would mean that it would have to be blocked by a creature that has been Reinforced?
I have tried blocking this creature with a Reinforced creature with Vigilance and that has not worked. I have also had two creatures with Vigilance and that hasn't worked either. I have yet to try with two creatures that are termed Defender. Sure would be handy to have a glossary of terms as to how they translate from the actual card game to PQ.0 -
So you're saying you couldn't block the Brute with either reinforced or multiple Vigilance creatures?0
Got a new mythic I haven't seen mentioned yet:
Woodland Bellower, 20 casting cost
Creature - Attacker
When this creature enters the battlefield, move the next Green creature from your library to your hand. That creature gains 6 mana.0
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