Planeswalker rarity and space

ROTBI Posts: 54 Match Maker
edited December 2015 in MtGPQ General Discussion
Is there a limited amount of space you have for PW's? Also, will there be/are the different rarities of them? I'm trying to figure out if I should by them now or hold onto my currency.


  • The Planeswalkers only cost 10. After doing the tutorial, you get enough to buy them all and still have some left over. After going through the story, if you do some of the side objectives (the middle one grants 8 crystals and the last grants 15) you will easily have more than enough crystals to save up (or just buy some packs).

    Personally, I got all the Planeswalkers first but am focusing on building two of them (Jace and Chandra).
    ROTBI Posts: 54 Match Maker
    Thanks for the reply, but what I meant to say is, in comparison to Marvel Puzzle Quest is there a roster space limit in which a player is only able to have so many PW's at a time or if alternate versions will be available, such as a legendary rare Jace, the Mind Sculpter, for example.
  • ROTBI wrote:
    Thanks for the reply, but what I meant to say is, in comparison to Marvel Puzzle Quest is there a roster space limit in which a player is only able to have so many PW's at a time or if alternate versions will be available, such as a legendary rare Jace, the Mind Sculpter, for example.

    I don't believe there will be a Planeswalker limit. The only thing I can think of is there being differently priced Walkers based on how unique their abilities are.
  • There are some really, really broken ones in the story.

    The one that kills any creature for 6 mana...the one that gets a 5/5 flying demon for 6 is crazy.

    Plus if they ever introduce dual color planeswalkers you'll end up with some gnarly combos.
  • madsalad
    madsalad Posts: 815 Critical Contributor
    pandabear wrote:
    There are some really, really broken ones in the story.

    The one that kills any creature for 6 mana...the one that gets a 5/5 flying demon for 6 is crazy.

    Plus if they ever introduce dual color planeswalkers you'll end up with some gnarly combos.

    There's at least on dual colored walker in the story.
  • Speaking of Planeswalker's, does anyone know the level caps for them yet?
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    The starting 5 Planeswalkers all cap at level 50. We will be releasing more and different Planeswalkers in the future, and could also possibly release variants of current Planeswalkers much how the card game has variants there. Mind Sculptor anyone?
  • IceIX wrote:
    The starting 5 Planeswalkers all cap at level 50. We will be releasing more and different Planeswalkers in the future, and could also possibly release variants of current Planeswalkers much how the card game has variants there. Mind Sculptor anyone?
    Yes please!
  • IceIX wrote:
    The starting 5 Planeswalkers all cap at level 50. We will be releasing more and different Planeswalkers in the future, and could also possibly release variants of current Planeswalkers much how the card game has variants there. Mind Sculptor anyone?

    I want something like Kozilek and Black Lotus haha
  • Multiple forms of planeswalkers seem likely (in mtg there are multiple versions), and an easy cash grab (hehe, not that I'm complaining, mythic Chandra please).

    However I'm not sure how I feel about a planeswalker that is baseline so much more powerful. Lets be honest, the AI is terrible at the moment and you can get through the entire story with an uncommon deck - if the planeswalker abilities were fair.

    As it stands, some of them are incredibly aggravating, and it isn't even due to the rares or mythics they have in their deck, it is their planeswalker abilities completely oustripping anything you can put out. So you have to use cheese strategies.

    Having been a longtime player of MPQ, I'd suggest if they do introduce extremely rare planeswalkers that they should be tiered, and at the very least for PvP brackets should be made like in MPQ to help the people without ridiculous planeswalkers actually get some rewards.
  • IceIX wrote:
    The starting 5 Planeswalkers all cap at level 50. We will be releasing more and different Planeswalkers in the future, and could also possibly release variants of current Planeswalkers much how the card game has variants there. Mind Sculptor anyone?

    New planeswalkers sounds good to me. Would love for some dual-colored ones to really increase deck-building options.

    On a planeswalker-related note, is there a reason Chandra's tertiary match color is white instead of black? Every other planeswalker has their ally colors but Chandra, making white the most-used color and black the least-used when I'd think you'd want it to be even across the board.
  • Grizzlegom wrote:
    On a planeswalker-related note, is there a reason Chandra's tertiary match color is white instead of black? Every other planeswalker has their ally colors but Chandra, making white the most-used color and black the least-used when I'd think you'd want it to be even across the board.
    Mark Rosewater (The lead designer of Magic) says: ... t-is-there
  • they are still wrong then? haha