The answers to the problems (mostly)

PvE: The grinding aspect of PvE is what makes it so unappealing, in order to improve this section of the game I would suggest the following:
- Remove final score ranking, PvE should be run via the Growth Industries/Gauntlet model. Each sub should be made incrementally more difficult with incrementally better rewards.
- Essentials should be removed.

PvP: Grouping players of different level and ability together chasing the same reward is growing increasingly problematic. The following would resolve:
- Introduce difficulty tiers, players can enter multiple tiers with each tier having appropriate limitations and rewards. Tier 1 would be for max 2* characters with a 3* based reward. Tier 2 would be max 3* with a 4* based reward and tier 3 would be max 5* with a legendary based reward. This would allow players to compete at the right level for the right rewards. Longer term players would be able to get the rewards appropriate for their investments and also be able to compete across multiple tiers.
- Shields should be modified, firstly change the shield times to 6, 12, 24 this allows people to better play around life commitments. Secondly you should be able to hit people who are shielded, they won’t lose points but you will gain them, this will improve competition and gameplay all round by removing player frustrations (same targets, double tapping etc…)
- Team composition; You should be able to set roster teams and save these combinations. When creating a rostered team you should be able to set a colour and ability priority list to direct the AI. By assigning a colour/ability as your teams top priority they should look to match/use that colour/ability first, having priority 2 and 3 would complete your ‘defence strategy’.

DDQ: Perfect apart from the 4* node, just change it so it mirrors the – very successful - Big Enchilada format (3 characters, 1 essential 4*, 4 waves).

Tokens: Keep standard, heroic and legendary as they are however the others need a change:
- Event specific tokens need to give a 3* minimum reward, make them less common but increase the value.
- You should be able to exchange tokens for different commodities dependant on token value - HP, ISO & CP's.

Iso: Simple, drop less tokens (but make them more valuable) and drop more Iso.

Command Points: CP’s should have more uses, the one I think would be ideal is:
- Use CP to change cover colour/ability, tier the cost dependant on cover rarity.

5* Release: Start dropping these in as daily rewards for the long term players, they’ve earnt it!

Boosts: Slightly leftfield on these, they don’t need a fix but I still feel that it’s a missed opportunity, I would suggest the following:
- Limit the 3 slots to 1 ap boost, 1 colour boost and 1 TU.
- Create 2 types of ‘hidden boosts’ that can be made available in play when certain conditions are met. The two types would be ‘nemesis’ and ‘Synergy’ boost. Nemesis boosts would generate when a player on your roster directly clashes with a player on the opposing team (Spidey vs Doc Ok) for example and would give each team a specific boost that relates to their story fluff. Synergy boosts generate when certain characters in your roster complement each other ‘fluff wise’, so Gamora, Starlord and Grokket would generate a boost.

All of the above – imho - would do two things, improve the gameplay experience for consumers and drive your revenue. The information I’ve gleaned shows that your customers primarily purchase HP and HP and primarily used for roster slots, allow people to access more characters and they will need more slots. I welcome feedback from all.

Edited to show just the juicy bits...


  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't think there is a single idea on your list that I don't agree with. Those are all excellent changes which benefit the players (directly) by making some aspects of the game more accessible and interesting and the devs (indirectly) by making it more enjoyable so players will be more willing to spend.
  • Cheers for the feedback Gambit.

    Cant believe know-one else has posted a comment....Come on guys.... icon_e_confused.gif
  • mbaren
    mbaren Posts: 220 Tile Toppler
    Regarding 5*s - according to the daily reward thread (viewtopic.php?f=6&t=3642), this happens already. Starting at day 730.
  • I don't totally agree with your PVP suggestions, but that part about team synergies is long overdue. It would even be a way to make Sr. Fantastic and IW relevant again. Imagine that a FF team with both of them could unleash a Franklin Richards devastating kind of power. This could "fix" a lot of broken characters like those 2, Starlord and Gamora.
  • ammenell
    ammenell Posts: 817 Critical Contributor
    so many good ideas... its a shame development lacks budget and ressources, except when it comes to victory screens and pulsing star ratings

    gotta have priorities, right?
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    A lot of good ideas here, but it doesn't address THE problem, ie progression to end-game that is either purely random, or achieved via token cheating. Take 5*s out of tokens, start adding more CP to event awards, and award 5*s via CP only.
  • cooperbigdaddy
    cooperbigdaddy Posts: 392 Mover and Shaker
    Want to qualify this with "I'm not as veteran as a lot of players" and "I don't spend any money" so I may be naive to some stuff. Here's my thoughts on the OP:

    Boosts: LOVE THIS IDEA. There have been numerous times where I will let my Daredevil deliver the final blow against Kingpin, or Captain America kill Iron Man (Civil War) because I thought it was cool for my character to defeat their nemesis. It would be awesome to have it actually reflected in game. And synergy with matched folks? Absolutely. Right now we pair people based on colors or abilities. Making it so that people start matching folks with teams might make them spend more money on covers for characters they wouldn't normally spend money on, right? Devs?

    5*s: Already covered. (Well, I don't have any, so I don't have any covers, but you know what I mean. PUN CITY!)

    Command points: Yeah, I think switching a cover would be useful! 1-5 CP to do that would be awesome.

    Iso/Tokens: More iso, sure. Less tokens, sure...but only if they start giving better rewards, like you said. It's been mentioned a bunch of times, but new tokens that are a minimum of 3*s I think are wanted by all.

    Tokens: 3* minimum tokens, duh. Exchanges, yes!! And throw in cover exchanges too, might as well.

    PVP: Not sure I completely understand the color priority, but I don't want the AI to try to match what I need. icon_e_sad.gif I want them to try to match their own thing first. It annoys me when they match the one color I want when it wouldn't help their powers fire, ha.
    Also, would the tier system let me play mixed 2* and 3* characters with my 3*s? That's the only way I can even climb on these PVPs, ha. I still only get to 400 on a good day, haha.

    PVE: I hate grinding as well, because real life, not enough health packs, whatever the reason. WHAT IF, though, we keep a grinding PVE going and add a few different gameplay options:
    -1: A rotating gauntlet type game, like you suggested
    -2: Always have a monthly Growth Industries/Amadeus' Inferno type game.
    -3: Fix up the Prologue. Obviously keep it the way it is for newer players, BUT once you've completed the ENTIRE Prologue, meaning winning each node's 4 prizes, the entire Prologue resets and the nodes get harder and change prizes to better prizes. That way we actually have something we can continue to play and work at without worrying about having to compete against other people and not getting a certain tier for prizes we want.

    In conclusion, VERY good OP. Just a couple add-ons from my n00b brain. icon_lol.gif
  • Love it. I'm nowhere near at a maxed 3* tier yet. I have 5 maxed atm.

    She Hulk

    2 I can max


    Many that I can level to 127-153

    But I would love to see a guaranteed 3* token so I can finish up those.

    I would like to see the 4* trans. A but faster too. By no means am I saying hand out free 4*s but I think your ddq 4* idea is great. A big enchilada style would be much better than the oh hopefully my x/x/x 4* can cheese my way past the insanely leveled enemy.

    I'm casual in PvP but I agree with your ideas there also.

    Also love the idea of growth industry style pves.
  • Thanks for the feedback guys, appreciated!

    Just to clear up the PVP suggestion:

    - Difficulty tiers dictate the max level cover type, so enter the hardest tier and you can use any cover up to 5* level, enter the lowest tier and you can use maximum 2* level covers.
    - Players can enter multiple tiers; long term players can play the basic tier event if they want, break out those 2* stars and rack up your season score and grab some ISO.

    The reasoning behind the suggestion is not due to my situation but others, I can hit 1K if I want to spend HP and grab the 3* no problem. I have introduced people to the game and they have left due to the monotony of PVE and the competitive wall of PVP. The other issue I’ve seen is the whole “I’ve earnt the right to beat up on the newer/weaker player’ argument, so the way I see it is this.

    Small fish feed in small ponds -big fish feed in big ponds - whales feed in the sea.

    Whales still have big fish so they can still go and earn the points from bashing up weaker 'pond' rosters.

    Another point to mention is that is PVP and PVE changed this way we could get rid of scaling….another problem solved icon_e_biggrin.gif

    @ simonsez I don’t disagree, however 5* daily drops and a decent trade in value for a 5* should alleviate most of the issue (if you gave me 1000 HP for my Surfer cover I'd bite your arm off). And the cheats, well the Devs have got to sandbox them.