Jean Grey (All-New) vs Professor X

PriceCzech Posts: 63 Match Maker
I'm not sure if this has been brought up before, and I know JG is supposed to be a counter to PX, but can I get some clarification on when powers are supposed to be triggered?

For example, when using PX (against JG), I can create two critical tiles (in the same move). PX fires off Master Plan, then JG fires off Psychic Feedback twice. Is this working as intended, or should PX fire Master plan twice, followed by JG Psychic Feedback twice?

I can understand if this were a cascade where two critical tiles were generated in succession, but I don't understand how this works when they are created at the same time.

Any clarification or information would be helpful. Thanks.


  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    What I've seen happen with two Dakens facing off is the active player's strike tile generates immediately, then the opposing player's strike comes after. If two green matches happen at once, I remember the second strikes being placed much later-- after the board finally quiesced. In your case, Professor X's blue triggers first, then Jean Grey's triggers. PX is now stunned, so I guess the game isn't processing any more triggers for him?

    The game does not have a consistent order of operations structure, so it's anyone's guess as to whether what happens is correct.