Triggers to selectively change pull percentages

DecoyDuck Posts: 620
Random thoughts about trying to kill 2 birds with one stone while making $ for the publishers...

A common problem, especially at the legendary token level, is pulling covers for characters that you don't want (either because you already have them covered or they are undesirable). What if we had an interface to disable a cover from the potential percentages... and the remaining covers would get their tacit 0.001% bump? Probably really hard to program. I don't know. If I disabled more than one, the remaining covers would continuing absorbing their percentages.

Now for the second bird... expensive cover slots. I only have 85 and they're expensive already. WHAT IF the ability to disable covers were related to the # of cover slots. For example, every 25 cover slots allows you to selectively disable 1 cover. In this example, my 85 slots allows me to disable 3. Then I wouldn't have to risk getting IW, Fury, or XFW anymore. Just an example.

Why use cover slots? Firstly, the number of cover slots give some, imprecise measure of a players level/length of play. Secondly, I hear it makes money for the game publisher. Thirdly, and this is more important... it creates a level of dissonance amongst the players that would rather sell off unused characters than buy more slots. NOW, the number of slots (whether filled or not) impacts their draw percentages. We have to mentally balance buying more slots cause it's meaningful in multiple ways.

If this (or some variation of this) were a reality, then people who are really angling for a new legendary token draw would be buying up cover slots so they could improve their chances and the publishers would get $$$. You can't sell back cover slots so it's pretty safe for the publishers. And only the rarest of the rich birds would be able to afford the hundreds and hundreds of cover slots to nullify the randomness significantly - but these aren't the folks playing the odds game anyhow.


  • Thorzhamer
    Thorzhamer Posts: 35 Just Dropped In
    well thought out Ducky.... and I love the idea of disabling certain cover pulls.

    unfortunately it'll never happen with the lazy devs.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    An idea I've been flirting with is the ability to mark certain characters, maybe one per rarity level, as a "favorite". As long as they're favorited, they get slightly boosted draw odds from tokens and maybe a 20% boost to ISO put into them. To keep you from just moving it around all the time, you could have to wait a week after selecting a favorite before you can move it to someone else.

    I'd be surprised to see it, but I think this would be easier to put into the UI, and it's a more positive spin to put on it. It's not "these guys suck, I hate them", it's "this one is great, give me more!"
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think being able to select a favourite would be a great idea. It would act like when a characters odds are increased due to their event being current so we know it's already programmable since it's kind of in effect already. I would love to increase my odds of certain characters in order to finish them.