Scarlet Witch: Arcane Incantation Randomness?

pheregas Posts: 1,721 Chairperson of the Boards
I've been using Scarlet Witch and JG or GSBW and I've been noticing a trend that the blue countdown tile seems to spawn near other blue tiles where the next turn could match it away fairly frequently.

Now, I'm aware of the tendency to remember things being skewed by negative affects. So, during the Hulk : Dark Reign, during the sub Hidden Stash: West Sahara, I used SW/JG and Luke Cage for every battle.

I took a screenshot during every turn a Blue Arcane Incantation countdown tile was placed. This happened 28 times through all 9 nodes.

The Results:
Spawned within a match area : 13 times (46.4%)
Insta-matched on spawn : 4 times (14.3%)
No Match Opportunity : 11 times (39.3%)

Now, I know 28 is not a large number of attempts. And I'm really not sure if 60% of the time that that tile spawns that it does it randomly, or is it skewed towards spawning near other blues? Is this working as intended?

Thanks for any clarification!


  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm certain it's random for one basic reason: it's far more complicated to target tile patterns, especially in an unpredictable manner, than it is to just pick any non-blue tile.