Patch Notes - R90 (12/14/15)

David [Hi-Fi] Moore
David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin
edited December 2015 in MPQ News and Announcements
R90 Patch Notes

As 2015 ends, two rivals appear, locked in a battle of strength, speed and agility...

What's New...
    - Winter Holidays PvP warfare!

What's Better...
    - Passive abilities (Carnage’s
Alien Instincts, Bullseye (Classic)’s Contract Killer, etc.) no longer fire once a battle is finished.
- To prevent a minor bug with mission reward timing, players are no longer able to pause the game during the Victory screen.
- Fixed a bug where certain minion abilities were never firing when part of minion-only teams.
- Events that do not give out rewards based on placement (Avengers Vs. Ultron, Galactus Hungers, etc.) will no longer say “Rewards are Pending” after the event has expired.
- Team-Ups from 5-Star characters no longer randomly display levels over their current level cap.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented all rewards from being received - if the app was closed while receiving a batch of rewards.
- All 3-Star characters labeled “GOLD CHARACTER” (Daken (Classic), Steve Rogers (Super Soldier), Thor (Modern), and Storm (Mohawk)) have been renamed “RARE CHARACTER” and their star rating no longer pulses. (No other changes have been made to these characters.)